U.S.A. Chants

Maybe this is me just being a whiny bitch but i think it has no place in the UFC. Granted fans are gonna do what they want. But this isn't the Olympics. It just sounds silly to me. Cheer for the fighter you're a fan of. Just my opinion.

When the UFC goes to other countries, they get patriotic as well. Nothing wrong with it, stop trying to be so PC about stuff.

nolabrum - When the UFC goes to other countries, they get patriotic as well. Nothing wrong with it, stop trying to be so PC about stuff.

Yeah I think America is the only country that actually roots against its own fighters. Phone Post

Not really my thing but theres nothing wrong with it, fans in every other country do it too

Thought they booed too much...watched it again today...there was even some booing in shogun vs henderson...sad Phone Post

I thought it seemed a bit out of place and pretty weak.

I like fighters first for their fighting styles. When Diaz fights GSP, I'll root for Diaz because I like how he fights more than GSP's style. I won't be chanting U-S-A though.

I'd love to see a fight event with half fans from US and another half from Brazil, that shit has the potential to surpass a British Soccer event.

 Typical americans.  When the UFC was in Birmingham the fans were all class, the security was dressed better and the only person who got booed was jesus.  UFC should consider a permanent relocation imo.

People like to use their imaginations to reinforce their opinions of other countries. Truth is. Most countries contain people who are highly nationalistic. Japan...Brazil....Canada...England...USA....I have seen them all behaving in a similar fashion. Cheering their countrymen etc. If someone asserts that Americans are the only ones...they have an agenda or are not very wordly/traveled. I do not take them seriously. Phone Post

I used to hate this until I saw how much Brasil hated American fighters so fuck it. Let them chant

*worldly. I'm not that good on the phone keyboard. Phone Post

Did you see the Pac-JMM fight the other night, did you also cry about the Mexico chants?

WestBuiltAMountain - I just think it's stupid.

It's not Brazil vs USA. It's Shogun vs Hendo. Cheer for the fighter, not the country.

This. Basically what i was trying to say in my initial post.

 I don`t have a problem with it in princible, but it does make me cringe sometimes.

 When I go to a Chinese restaurant I order Chicken Fingers and fries. When the server brings them to the table I chant USA while I fist pump. 

Matt Phillips -  When I go to a Chinese restaurant I order Chicken Fingers and fries. When the server brings them to the table I chant USA while I fist pump. 


ILoveWatchingJonesBoneShogun - I used to hate this until I saw how much Brasil hated American fighters so fuck it. Let them chant

Gotta agree with this. Judges must be afraid of picking against Brazilian fighters it's so crazy. Phone Post

well at least there was an american in this fight.

Wrestlemania 9, Bret Hart vs Yokozuna. The crowd chanted USA when neither guy was American.

ILikeUFCandAmerica -
nolabrum - When the UFC goes to other countries, they get patriotic as well. Nothing wrong with it, stop trying to be so PC about stuff.

Exactly. If anything, the other countries should be banned from chanting for their fighters. After all, UFC is an American company.

Why did you create this thread anyway? What's your beef with America? We stopped the Germans and the Japanese in WW2.

I would argue the russians did the germans considering 8/10 germans died on the eastern front and russia was rolling 50 miles
A day towards berlin when usa landed in europe. The part france britian and usa played in defeating germany is almost negligable compared to russia. Dumbfuck american is dumbfuck Phone Post