MMA Underground Forums

Ubereem's scar?

How did Uber get the scar on his left cheek?

Uggggh really?!? Search?!? Ah fuck it. He got attacked by a grizzly bear when he was 12. Every1 else is lying to u Phone Post

He tripped and fell into a toaster oven while making garlic bread.

charms434 - Uggggh really?!? Search?!? Ah fuck it. He got attacked by a grizzly bear when he was 12. Every1 else is lying to u <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

waaa search!??! cry me a river

His ex gf broke a vial of trenbolone on his face.

Kicked by a horse...
Got mad and started eating them..

in before scarface reference

Chuck Liddell in the GP.

glass in the face "the voice" interviewed him for the nye show just gone

He's a narcoleptic with a penchant for buggery.

Fell asleep one time while buggering and hit his face on the nightstand.


That's not a scar. Its a stretch mark from smiling on the juice.

So in like 5 posts the reason for Overeems scars is:
broken vial of roids,
Chack Lidell,
Shogun Rua,
Glass broken in face,
Getting kicked by horse,
Again glass broken in face,
falling asleep.

Why do i aleays feel confused?

":'( SEARRRCHHH" guy has a point.

self inflicted to make himself look tougher


It was done by Ryu....

High kicked himself in the face but he had his slippers on and they caused a nasty scuff. Phone Post

got it in a barfight when he was 15 and after that Valentijn introduced him to fighting to get disciplined - Voice vs Overeem

bly1023 - new


From: bly1023 Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile

Posted: 1 hour ago

Member Since: 3/30/08

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Nice lurking......but you're no Ookla