UFC 110 after BBQ!

I will be hosting a UFC after BBQ! UFC will finish Mid afternoon here... so why not celebrate it the Aussie way with a BBQ at the beach!

I look forward to all the locals our interstate/international friends coming down and celebrating a sure to be EPIC day!!!!!

North bondi BBQ asrea, right at the beach and full of beautiful girls... and you.

Come down and say hello... this is my local drinkin spot and I would love you all to come down and join me for some extra cold beers and a BBQ! Hopefully our friends from around the world will come and enjoy our Sydney hospitality!!!

oh, there will be some ridiculously hot girls there that will make Arianny look like my grandmother...

It will run till sundown and beyond (10PM!)

This will be a truely great day OG/UGers!!!!!

See you then!


How far away is bondi from the stadium. I'm from victoria and last time i was in Sydney the public transport system made me want to slit my wrists vertically.

Any confirmed fighters for the party?


XFC - Any confirmed fighters for the party?



Bigriver - How far away is bondi from the stadium. I'm from victoria and last time i was in Sydney the public transport system made me want to slit my wrists vertically.

train to town hall, then train to bondi jn and then 380 bus.

Easier than it sounds.

Kick Ass!