UFC 154 OTN bonuses, gate and attendance

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                                UFC 154 OTN bonuses, gate and attendance

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                            <strong class="ArticleSource">[The Underground Blog]</strong>

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                    <p>UFC&nbsp;154:&nbsp;St-Pierre vs. Condit</p>

$70,000 of the Night performance bonuses

Fight of the Night
Georges St-Pierre beat Carlos Condit (dec)

Knockout of the Night
Johny Hendricks beat Martin Kampmann - :45 of Round 1

Submission of the Nigh
tIvan Menjivar beat Azamat Gashimov (Armbar)

Live gate


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Goldie and Rogan would agree, it was a great night of fights!

^^ Haha Joe. (separated at birth?)

Love ya, Broseph. :)


bell center holds 22000. they didn't sell out ? Phone Post

If the most rabid fans in MMA don't sell out a 22000 seat arena ( Not even close ) with their winning, elite, marquee hero headlining, it sure don't look good for everyone else. Other cities in the US bitching about not getting shows ? They would all tank, and that spells greenbacks the UFC has to cough up. What does the UFC have to do ? Garner loyalty and respect for the sport. Lift their heads up, and do the right thing. Yes, DO THE RIGHT THING,get some integrity back. It will take time, but in order to be great, you gotta go through pain. Make Jones fight Silva, make Weidman fight Silva or Jones or both. Now, Hendricks, Diaz, and St. Pierre are set to face off in potential classics. The heavyweights are stacked with Overeem, Dos Santos, Velasquez,. Three Elites in each of those divisions, now you just have to make the proper, and deserving fights, and rank them accordingly on wins, and the nature of their wins, and losses, and frequency of fights, quality of opponents, age, skills, etc... The fight fan will buy in and bring you loyalty, and pay homage by dutifully tuning in each and all fights. But if you run a circus, they will show up only for the Marquee high wire act, and leave out the bearded woman, the midgets, and who knows what else. You get my drift. Now go out there and repair the damage you've done. DO THE RIGHT THING. THE FANS MUST FOLLOW SUIT AND STAY AWAY IN DROVES TIL THE UFC GET THINGS RIGHT, AND IN ORDER. FANS, YOU DO THE RIGHT THING. LETS'S ALL GET THIS SHIP RIGHT.

Biggy - 

bell center holds 22000. they didn't sell out ? Phone Post

Holds 22,000 for hockey games.  The way they block out some of the seating with entrances and stuff loses some of the seating.

The price of tickets, GSP's last few fights and the fact that overall this was a weak card contributed to the gate imo. UFC needs to realize no one wants to pay hundreds of dollars for seats unless cards are stacked top to bottom.

Thanks for post! I predicted the KOTN right :)

UGCTT_Molsonmuscle360 -
Biggy -  bell center holds 22000. they didn't sell out ? Phone Post

Holds 22,000 for hockey games.  The way they block out some of the seating with entrances and stuff loses some of the seating.

ud think with floor seating they'd have more seats available

by the way, UFC 82 had 21390 and UFC 97 had 21451 Phone Post


Not sure who gave me a blue name but thanks!