UFC 182 still not sold out

http://www.mmafighting.com/2015/1/1/7479639/ufc-182-not-sold-out-but-dana-white-expects-750000-pay-per-view-buys Phone Post 3.0


A LOT of seats left, wow... Isn't even close to selling out.

DanTheCan - No wonder UFC is going international. USA sucks. Come to Calgary Phone Post 3.0
Fuck I hope they come back for redemption. Phone Post 3.0

Blue and red dots are available seats.

this is just a few sections, its similar all the way around


That's too bad...

12SixElbow - Blue and red dots are available seats.

this is just a few sections, its similar all the way around


Bigger than the NFL, guys...bigger than the NFL. 

John M - 
12SixElbow - Blue and red dots are available seats.

this is just a few sections, its similar all the way around


Thank you.

that seems like a lot of available seats 2 days out.

You know what that means. Dana is giving out tickets tomorrow and Saturday in Vegas! Phone Post 3.0

Pretty normal for fights to have that many left over in Vegas. So much MMA here that they don't sell out many cards. Also, Vegas tourists normally buy last day so it should be close to a sell out with the walk out crowd. It's hard to get comped tickets to the event right now in town. Phone Post 3.0

Priced it way to high but if it's 80% full they make out better Phone Post 3.0

it will get full idk about sold out but tons of people go last min. 


hard to fill up an event after xmass and new years are already passed people spent all their extra cash already.

tuff calander year this year with the way the dates and days lined up. 

Nobody gives a shit about the UFC anymore. They killed their brand by watering it down. Not only did they water it down they priced the casual fans out too.

Nobody goes to work the next day and stands around the water cooler talking about the UFC. Back when Randy Couture and Chuck Liddell were fighting they did.

"Tickets for UFC® 182: JONES vs. CORMIER, presented by Bud Light are priced at $1,000, $750, $500, $350, $200 and $125 (prices do not include applicable service charges)."

Card - 

"Tickets for UFC® 182: JONES vs. CORMIER, presented by Bud Light are priced at $1,000, $750, $500, $350, $200 and $125 (prices do not include applicable service charges)."

Then add on the drink & food pricing. Christ. Better off getting a hooker, hitting a buffet then watch replays after the event

Carlos_Kent - Nobody gives a shit about the UFC anymore. They killed their brand by watering it down. Not only did they water it down they priced the casual fans out too.

Nobody goes to work the next day and stands around the water cooler talking about the UFC. Back when Randy Couture and Chuck Liddell were fighting they did.


Use to watch most the pvps with a few buddies of mine. Haven't done that in years really. I know of one person that follows UFC anymore and he just casually follows at best & thats only cause some of the people that hit his gym also do mma ( he is a boxing trainer )

I wish I was in America I would love to go to this card Phone Post 3.0

Yet they haven't had a good card in Toronto in years. Easily sell out around here. Phone Post 3.0

60 Aussie is too much for a PPV. Phone Post 3.0

if the public cant appreaciate a fight like this then fuck em.

they want kimbo vs cm punk