UFC 297 Strickland v. Du Plessis thread

Some home cooking there

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Dude is horrible. His size is the only thing that he has.

What shit judging

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Wtf was that ahahah

Wow I thought they gave it to the Canadian

That was one of the funniest things ive ever seen at a ufc.

502 error…
WTF… I thought they gave it to the Canadian


Hahahahaha, epic fail, and embarrassing for the deserved winner

I hate these judges tonight

How did everyone mishear that? lol

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Lol they really tried to rob Woodson. That was a clear victory and he looked great over one of the top fighters out of Canada!

LOL!!! Bruce is butchering names tonight. That wasn’t the first. He called dude from the Ukraine, Shitty earlier :clown_face:

[quote=“sgotwalks, post:336, topic:3856391”]i
have been to or seen every UFC event that has taken place in Canada, and I can honestly say that there are NO hometown decisions in this country. Every close fight I have ever been convinced of the Canadian fighter winning, has gone to the other guy.


Yup that Decision by the judges was a 502 ERROR

So Buffer made a mistake? lol

The judges are going full Cecil Peoples tonight. Woodson had it 30-27, yet one judge gave it to the Canadian.


He has better footwork than all these guys who can’t box and he makes them look silly.

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Whats the Phoostivities phor Tonight ?

Bruce is butchering shit tonight. He called the Ukrainian guy Shitty earlier lol!!!