UFC 297 Strickland v. Du Plessis thread

Curtis completely outclassed this dude. It wasn’t close


Curtis calling himself action man is hilarious

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A split decision with two 30-27’s


Curtis style is so blasé, no aggressive forward motion just laying back pot shotting.
lame as all fuck.

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He’s the black Chris Leben but much less exciting

They spar so much that its all curtis knows how to do


Well thank goodness Neil magny is about to fight

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Yeah, Magny and women next which is what I’m here for

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“Stood in the pocket and let it fly” Huh

Lots of truth to this

Derek Clearly had the right score. If you scored that 30-27 then you don’t know wtf you’re watching

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whoopty fuckin’ do. yawn.

99% going to the judges


Honestly I don’t even care. Magny should have been cut 3-4 fights ago

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Curtis makes Strickland feel confident in the gym.

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29-28 MAB is an unhinged score. 30-27 Curtis.

Scoring shouldn’t even be involved, it was like a high school fight. We should have sent both to stand in silence for 20 mins and organised a career advice meeting.

That shit was not even close.

I don’t understand why he stopped that. Even if he didn’t deduct a point, he completely destroyed the momentum Allen had. It’s illegal to ground yourself unnaturally so what is Goddard’s justification for restarting the fight? Allen was landing perfectly legal strikes and they were brutal, could have easily led to a finish. Beautiful to watch.

Even the commentators were saying you can’t ground yourself like that but that the ref made the right call. How? The right call would have been no call. The guy keeps putting his hand down and getting kneed for it, he should suffer the consequences for trying to ground himself like that.


great, we got some carpet munching front bums to save the show.