UFC 297 Strickland v. Du Plessis thread

Alhambra out. Can’t say it was a great night.

Okay. 10-10 one round. I think you got my point. 10-8 is not the only way a fight can end in a draw.

In a fight with no point deductions it sure as fuck is lol.

This is a tea good point and something that has never happened in boxing and it’s precisely why boxing has guys that become legends and mma really doesn’t.


I would pick @boxy @MasterofMartialArts and @Wasa-B - Although he may have bias against Strickland because he loves the LGBT+ people :wink:

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Absolutely, Sean using that Philly shell and rolling with shots doesn’t do him any favors with shitty casual fans or shitty judges that don’t know what they are watching.


Never? Possibly the most corrupt judging of all combat sports. But if we’re being honest it’s now in every sport.

Keep Telling Yourself That Ian Mcshane GIF by American Gods

What’s really misleading about those are Dricus getting credit for a bunch of leg kicks that were checked.


They never take the belt from a champ in a close fight. If anything they cheat the challenger quite a bit.


Back in the day, we used to make fun of boxing because of the robberies in that sport

Now robberies are a regular thing in the UFC

It’s fucked up


This is the ONEFC scorecard. Judges MUST use the scoring criteria and justify the decision.

This is the UFC scorecard. Put whatever the fuck you want in there like Adelaide bird and do what Dana wants. Who cares if you change someone’s life or take away half their pay.

UFC is 2nd tier garbage.


By damage alone, Strickland won rounds 1-3 giving him the win. Octagonal control is LAST of the criteria.


It’s fucked up

The only reason these people are saying DDP won was because they picked him to win

The side that picks the fighter who gets the corrupted judges decision support it and that kerps it going

The suits figured out they can rig decisions and 1 half of the fans will always support it when their fighter gets it

This whole fucking world is a scam… Sports are rigged… Elections rigged… Fake moon landing… Fake pandemics… It’s all bullshit clown world… We got warped into the clown universe back in 2012 by CERN


Dana just said he thought Strickland won


Dana wants a rematch since he has no other card to put together.

Money wise it’s best for the UFC to Dricus to win this BS decision plus it’s good for their sponsors.

It’s in Dana’s best interest to “nudge” the judges to the decision he wants.

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We were all laughing at Curtis and then Strickland came out and fought with the same intensity :joy:

They spar too much and they both fight like they’re sparring. Neither guys sits down on anything, even when they need to. You play like you practice and all they do is spar. I think that’s stupid but they are pretty successful. But both seem incapable of turning it up a notch.


DDP landed like 8 clean punches in that whole fight

He literally chased Strickland all over the cage getting punched up in the face clean