UFC 297 Strickland v. Du Plessis thread

Izzy won a lot because he is a damn good fighter. But he was never the untouchable people thought he was. He was the best of the lot of his time, someone like Silva was untouchable and utterly dominant until age caught up with him. If Izzy had power it would be a different thing. But he just doesn’t.

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Maybe not untouchable but his record speaks for itself at the end of the day. He is #2 MW GOAT at worst imo.

Also Anderson had more finishes but was a bit more limited in his style I think where he looked like shit sometimes when guys wouldn’t come at him. Izzy may have been boring but still so. More effectively when guys wouldn’t come at him?

I also think Weidman would have been a problem for both Anderson and Izzy in each of their primes.

You mean fighting like a pussy?

Its only counter punching if you stand your ground and stay in range. Otherwise it is avoiding the fight and being passive.

Ah yes, Anderson “The Pussy” Silva!

Instagram links won’t embed here but Izzy posted an old training video of him and Driscus from 2016 on his page last night. That fight is definitely happening not Khamzat. Wouldn’t surprise me if he is the backup fighter, though.


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Rockhold beats Izzy IMO.

I think Rashad Evans could have beaten Silva if he had dropped to MW. He had all the tools, including speed.

I think prime Weidman and Rockhold would massacre Izzy

Before Rockhold got figured out, he was a monster in the cage.

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Rockhold wrestling was not as good as Weidmans though and his limited striking would not cut it (check hook and body kicks). If he got him down repeatedly, maybe.

Rockhold had some of the best top game but also always had his flaws. He was able to neutralize Weidmans tds which took aways a lot from Weidmans standup. Izzy wouldn’t need to worry about that.

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He fought like a pussy against Weidman the first time and it cost him his title.

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Rashad should come dropped down yes but he never had a fluid comprehensive game - striking or wrestling. I would pick Anderson.

Rashad was faster than Weidman but Weidman was better overall.

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The powerslap podium should emerge from the canvas and they finish it with 3 rounds in the sport of men.


I thought he fought overconfidently and got caught clowning him.

I dont mind counter punchers if they will press the action every 3rd or 4th exchange. I dont really like the Diaz’s but I respect the shit out of them. I would still rather watch Masvidal or Matt Brown fight because they bring aggression and pressure that forces people to prove they have skills, or an equal amount of heart. I dont think I have watched a Diaz fight where the dude standing across from them lost their heart.

Clowning is fighting like a pussy btw.

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Nick Diaz was agressive as fuck… Arguably more so than the guys you listed as being more aggressive

Nick Diaz used to walk his opponents down and beat the fuck out of them with combinations until they wilted…

Prime Diaz is one of the greatest MMA fighters that ever competed… He was the epitome of heart and aggression. A BJJ guy boxing up strikers…

They kept robbing him in the UFC to build up other fighters that amounted to nothing. Then the whole weed suspension shit that ruined Nicks career and put him into alcoholism for years…

They did Diaz dirty

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I agree that he walked guys down, just close enough to get in range and WAIT for a strike to slip or parry. He stood in the pocket and moved forward, and he attacked more early in his career that is true. But he stilll stood in the pocket waiting for the other guy to attack. If he fought himself there would be 200 taunts and zero punches.

Nick Diaz was like a real life MMA version of Rocky

Thats why he’s so beloved be the MMA fans to this day

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If Rashad fought a wrestling-first game, he wins IMO. Look what Sonnen did to Silva in their first fight. Rashad was a far better fighter than Sonnen.