What’s the over / under on 10 replies ?
Any rare pics of girls fighting tonight Calf ?
Greetings from Iguanas bar & grill
Pico Rivera, CA
LOL Josey
I wouldn’t dare
Not in this thread. I actually want to see if we get 10 unique responses that are on topic.
I’m watching on crackstreams.cx
The gal here was having trouble finding the prelims… She kept putting on the PPV channel and was confused with a dead screen… She finally found the ESPN + …
Let’s get it on!
Ignore function is a godsend
I got Van 20-18
Good scrap
30-27 Van
Damn slick kick
Stop fucking around , send some real pics for the boys
Technical difficulties at this bar made us miss this first Main card match
We are over the 10 on topic replies , I’d say…
Good job
Not bad
4 accounts have responded, so far
But 10 responses from 10 separate accounts should be the measure IMO