UFC 68 Preview!

Come check out my in-depth preview of Saturday night's UFC show in Columbus! Send me your picks and leave me feedback!


Thanks,  good writeups.


I agree with a few of your upset picks....Holman.

No offense but, although our analysis is decent, your Pride 33 picks were 50-50, same as a coin toss. Hopefully you'll fare better Saturday with the UFC.

nice work.

I hope Holman bludgeons.

I agree with the McFedries pick, even though I'll be pulling for Kampmann. Kampmann is too small for middleweight. Meeting him in Vegas this weekend I was really surprised to see how small he was. McFedries has balls and will walk through punishment to give his own.

harlan, who the hell woulda went 100% on an event like pride 33?

harlan, who the hell woulda went 100% on an event like pride 33?

No shit. Brutally tough card to like the eventual underdog winners on.  Hindsight is always 20/20.

If this shit was ez, sportsbooks would not exist.



another great UFC card.

This card is so weak I almost forgot it was coming up this weekend. Randy coming out of retirement, and going into a coma, Hughes return, Franklin's return, Jon "People Pay Attention To This Guy" Fitch, and, well, not much else. Good luck trying outperform Pride 33 last weekend. At any rate, on to the debacle.

Tim "The Maine-iac" Sylvia 25-2 vs Randy "The Natural" Couture 14-8 I love Randy Couture, let me just say that off the bat. Randy is giving up around 40lbs. and 6 inches to the giant Sylvia (not Giant Silva). Couture is 75, and has been through wars, and is coming off 2 consecutive brutal KO losses. Sylvia is a KO monster, with absolute thunder in his hands, good sprawl, which is Randy's only chance in this fight (to take Tim down), and has all the motivation in the world, with this being his biggest name fight of his career. Randy has to get inside Tim, and clinch, in order to take him down, and hold him there, something the much stronger Jeff Monson could not do in 5 rounds! Randy fears no man, and I respect that, but this fight doesn't get out of the 1st round. I hope Couture proves me wrong, and goes down in history as the immortal "Captain America" ageless wonder we all want him to be, I just seriously doubt it.
WINNER-Sylvia by KO

Matt Hughes 42-5 vs Chris "Lights Out" Lytle 32-13-4 Chris is a good guy, and I wish him the best. Matt Hughes will destroy him! Hughes is coming off the loss of his title to GSP, has re found motivation, is close to his home, and simply has much more talent than the likeable Lytle. Matt will not screw around here, opting to take this fight to the mat for a G&P win.
WINNER-Hughes by TKO

Rich "Ace" Franklin 22-2 vs "The Athlete" Jason MacDonald 19-7 Ooooh, a lot of Franklin doubters now that he was dismantled at the hands of Anderson Silva. MacDonald is impressing everyone with his recent wins (Leben, Herman), but lets not go crazy here. Rich was a champ for a reason, and has dominated most of his career. On the ground MacDonald is slick, Rich is no joke either, but will try to stay on the feet none the less. MacDonald is buying into his own hype, while Rich is ready to begin redemption in his home state! Clinch (yes I said clinch even after his title fight loss), stand up, stamina, and just plain skill belong to Franklin. Not that this will be a walk in the park, I envision a decent fight going into later rounds, but Mac doesn't have the game to hang with Franklin for an entire fight, and Saturday will prove it.

Renato "Babalu" Sobral 27-6 vs Jason "The Punisher" Lambert 22-6 Both coming off devastating losses in their respective careers, and must have a win to remain relevant in the Light Heavyweight division. Lambert came in fat for his loss to Rashaad, and Babalu's lame game plan got him KO'd against Chuck Liddell. This should be a no brainer for Sobral to win, but, at a recent submission fight, Renato came in waaay out of shape, which could spell disaster, if he hasn't mentally, and physically recovered from the title fight loss. A ground affair for both men begs the question, does Babalu really want this, and was Lambert's recent loss due to lack of focus and training? Interesting fight, I must lean toward the higher level of Babalu, but I'm not feeling completely confident about it.
WINNER-Babalu by submission

Jon Fitch 12-2 vs Luigi Fioravanti 10-1 Luigi is the power puncher with one punch KO power, while Fitch is a Miletich grinder, who punishes people for the entire fight. If Jon stays away from those heavy hands, he'll out wrestle, and out class Luigi. Could be a real gritty tough fight though, with both men taking a beating. Look for Fitch to take this to the ground and pound out the win.
WINNER-Fitch by decision

Drew McFedries 5-1 vs Martin Kampmann 11-1 Drew was very impressive in his gutsy brawling stoppage against Alessio Sakara, but Kampmann is a striker by nature (Drew is a Miletich wrestler). I see this being a win win for the fans, an exciting fight, and thus, Drew's downfall. He shouldn't stand, instead taking this to the ground where he can win, but will probably box with Martin, to impress people (he does have a great chin) and there he loses.
WINNER-Kampmann by decision

Matt "What?" Hamill 2-0 vs Rex Holman 4-1 Holman can stop people with his hands, and Matt doesn't like to be hit, and has had cardio issues. Both men are stellar world class wrestlers, so the ground so prove a stalemate. Could be a boring wrestling match, but if on the feet, Hamill has little shot.
WINNER-Holman by TKO

Glesion Tibau 11-4 vs Jason Dent 12-7 Neither of these guys are appealing, and both are coming off losses. Tibau can submit, Dent is a Muay Thai guy. Striker vs submission. Either way, who cares, and why is this on a PPV?

Jaime "The Worm" Varner 11-2 vs Jason "The Gizzard (yes the Gizzard) Gilliam" 9-0 Isn't the old saying, the Gizzard gets the worm? Anywho, Varner absolutely ran, and I mean ran, in his last fight with Hermes Franca before mercifully getting armbar'd to stop the madness. I've been waiting to see Gilliam, who comes highly touted, as a tough guy, who never gives up, and punishes his opponents.
WINNER-Gilliam by TKO

There ya go, enjoy a PPV card worthy of a free Spike TV show.


Good write-up