UFC 81 seating question

Hi UG, I'm planning on attending 81, never been to Mandalay Event Centre. Where is the best place to sit value-wise? I don't want to spend more than $250/ticket. Advice appreciated.

might as well stay at home. i was at $750 seats and was looking up 1/2 the time at the big screens

I've been to two UFC's live - Chuck/Randy III at Mandalay and Sylvia/Randy at Nationwide in Columbus. I bought the top tier seats for both events.

Of the two, Nationwide had way better sight lines as compared to Mandalay. The problem I found at Mandalay is that so many of the really close seats were reserved for celebs and fighters, that the $750 were really pushed fairly far back.

At Nationwide, we were off straight to the side, about 6 rows up or so, and had a perfect view.

That being said, it is pretty incredible to be in attendance at a live event, especially when Randy is in the main event. Having to look up periodically at the video screen is really not such a bad thing.

I went to UFC 61 and the seats were pretty bad. It did not help that it was so crammed that your knees touched the seats in front of you.

Thanks for the replies. Anyone sit in the suites,
Sec 305,310? Are there places where yor view is obstucted by the big screens?