UFC and BJ Penn situation

I believe that Dana White thought this through and did what was best for the UFC.

BJ Penn did what was best for him.

I don't blame either party. UFC did what was best for the UFC. BJ Penn did what was best for BJ Penn.

The UFC survived without Pulver, Bustamante, Barnett. They can survive without BJ Penn too.

It's a horrible trend.

Pro fighters need to make a living.

What good is it to be the best in the UFC if it holds you back financially?

The UFC is losing credibility. More so than if Penn lost a fight in Japan that only the hardcore fans knew about.

if they stripped him only for losing, you guys would still be bitching about it, and it would set a terrible precedent

Well all the other organizations watch the UFC and want the fighters who do well there. If they don't figure something else out, a new policy, they will continue to lose fighters. It's just not working how they handle things now.

well there's no arguing with that. As much as i hate to say it, i think they should scrap 155, and count on giving the fighters in the other classes more fights

"well there's no arguing with that. As much as i hate to say it, i think they should scrap 155, and count on giving the fighters in the other classes more fights"

there were rumors that UFC wanted all the UFC 155 pounders to move up to 170.

Pulver, Busta, Penn, Franklin, Barnett who is next?

It's a sad situation. Niether party is at terrible fault, but it's an alarming trend.

There's not many answers, and it's prevalent in many sports... I mean let's look at soccer. star players will always go to Europe because that's where the most money, fame and notoriety comes from. Likewise MMA in Japan is a big bread winner, so it's natural that will happen.

I am not sure what will happen when Pride comes to North America. I really would like to see Pride and UFC work together and not have one or the other wither. In either case we the fans will win. More mma for all!

What is up with The Law? Is he still in the fold?

The UFC is turning into a stepping stone for bigger and better organizations such as Pride and K-1! TTT for Penn and K-1/Pride!


i was just thinking that after reading the first posts. the same exact thing

If Japan offer you guys the same contract like BJ, YOU will jump ship too champion or not!