UFC Fighters jacked more than normal pictures

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Was that before the Diaz fight?

Fuck I love that fight. Diego was awesome then. Phone Post 3.0

da Vinci 81 - I was making the same face as Bigfoot on the crapper this morning.
Quality first post. You get my vu of the day Phone Post 3.0

Diego looked good for a few fights. Was ripped at 155, the first time around. Then when he went up to 170, he was extremely soft again. He went back down to 155 and was still very soft.

BJ looked great for the florian fight. SHould have never left the marinovich's.

I can feel the guy behind me looking over my should and I think trying to explain all the muscley men would only make it worse.

But, don't fighters always looked crazy jacked at weigh ins, just because they are so cut from being dehydrated? Phone Post 3.0

These are all weigh in pics you goof. They are dehydrated... Muscles are always more pronounced without water lol Phone Post 3.0

CurtisTheConqueror - These are all weigh in pics you goof. They are dehydrated... Muscles are always more pronounced without water lol Phone Post 3.0

Many of the pics he posted are of guys who look far better than usual for weigh ins. not comparing them to their normal walking weight or cage weight.

Chuck never looked that good at weigh ins, Diego definitely does not usually look that good in weigh ins, and so on. Some of the examples may be stretching it. But I do think generally this is meant as a comparison of weigh in shape vs normal weigh in shape.

Mir definitely had a period during 09-10 where he was crazy jacked compared to his previous body, and how has he has looked since.

Letibleu - 

I have to ask... I've seen this pic time and time again but it's shopped right?

ufc98newb - BJ looked great for the florian fight. SHould have never left the marinovich's.

Yep, biggest mistake he made in terms of his career.

That said, he didn't look jacked at all when you actually watch the weigh-in. He looked better after rehydrating. Florian said that he thought BJ overtrained and had lost quite a bit of muscle mass after seeing him at the weigh-in.

Sprawl'n'Stall - 
Letibleu - 

I have to ask... I've seen this pic time and time again but it's shopped right?


That arm on Fedor's shoulder actually belongs to somebody else but they cropped him out.

Seriously though, I assume you're referring to young Fedor's muscle mass? In which case no, that's not a shop. He also looks bigger because he's bulldogging. He wouldn't look so jacked standing straight up and relaxed.

Ronda on Conan, shes on that lance Armstrong gear Phone Post 3.0

sockeye -

No way, he is a staunch adversary against the steroid jihad! Phone Post 3.0

people also look more muscular when flexing, like in most of these pics

but i do believe 85% are roiding

Sprawl'n'Stall - 
Letibleu - 

I have to ask... I've seen this pic time and time again but it's shopped right?


That arm on Fedor's shoulder actually belongs to somebody else but they cropped him out.

Seriously though, I assume you're referring to young Fedor's muscle mass? In which case no, that's not a shop. He also looks bigger because he's bulldogging. He wouldn't look so jacked standing straight up and relaxed.

Fedor liked to show off a bit in his teens


that poster on the upper left is of Viktor Tzoy, leader of the extremely popular rock band "Kino" of Perestroika times. You should really check them out


