UFC Forum Mod Helps Fan w/ Brain Cancer To UFC 103

Happy to help out.

saucylv33 - Happy to help out.

For those that don't know, saucylv33 is Beth in the story. Don't know ya myself, but doesn't change the fact that I have nothing but respect for what you did.

Really nice to hear thing kind of thing is happening.

I dont think we can see the pics if we are not a forum member there.

if you upload the pictures somewhere like tinypic.com and put the links here one of us can embed them.

Good call man. If someone could embed these pics it would be much appreciated. I wasn't aware that you couldn't view the pics without an account.

Mike, the guy who got the tickets and wrote the post you read above is in the brown shirt. Chris, the guy with the illness is in the blue shirt.







awesome ttt.





Thank you for embedding the pics saucylv33 and much appreciation to the mods and members for keeping the thread alive.


ttt, great story

   wrong thread...sorry

great job Saucy! Pretty cool you hooked those guys up like that.

good on ya.



Thanks Junbo for posting this. For those who don't know, I am UFC.com moderator Brewster. I certainly do not deserve the kudos for this one as this was all saucylv33.

I was doing my thing and scrolling through the forums when I came across a deleted thread. I restored it to read it and immediately wanted to see if something could be done.

I contacted Saucy and Chris' friend Michael and started getting some info.

Props to Saucy as this whole thing was put together in a matter of 12 hours.

For me personally, just seeing the smile of Chris' face in those pictures in what is an incredibly challenging time for him... well that that is all the thanks I need.

It's moments like these when we get to see just how close the MMA Community can be

Kitsura - Thanks Junbo for posting this. For those who don't know, I am UFC.com moderator Brewster. I certainly do not deserve the kudos for this one as this was all saucylv33.

I was doing my thing and scrolling through the forums when I came across a deleted thread. I restored it to read it and immediately wanted to see if something could be done.

I contacted Saucy and Chris' friend Michael and started getting some info.

Props to Saucy as this whole thing was put together in a matter of 12 hours.

For me personally, just seeing the smile of Chris' face in those pictures in what is an incredibly challenging time for him... well that that is all the thanks I need.

It's moments like these when we get to see just how close the MMA Community can be

 No problem at all man.  To me, this was just as important of news as the next big championship fight.  I just felt that as many people that cared to read it, should.  By all indications, I was not the only one that was moved by reading this and that was all that mattered to me.  

We don't get to read enough stories like this in our little MMA community.  What both of you did was commendable.