UFC Forum Mod Helps Fan w/ Brain Cancer To UFC 103

I had to share this with more people. It's an amazing story and I feel more people deserve to read it.

I would be doing the story a disservice by trying to do a recap, so instead I will copy/paste the initial post and let you guys read the rest of the thread yourself.

I have so much respect for Brewster, who is the forum moderator that made this happen. [SIZE="3"][B]Not only did the man help get these guys tickets, he got them 3rd freaking row floor seats and they are sitting right next to the Tapout crew.[/B][/SIZE]

Trust me, you won't regret taking a second to read this one. As one of the forum members wrote:

[QUOTE]That's almost enough to restore my faith in humanity - really hope your friend has a great night![/QUOTE]

[url=http://forums.ufc.production.sparkart.net/showthread.php?t=8201]UFC Please Help.... - UFC Community Forum[/url]

[QUOTE]From Fightguy76
Recently I posted a reply for help on these forums concerning a situation with one of my good friends. I deleted my post later that evening, fearing people might think that I was trying to scam the UFC or just for fear of sounding like a lame begger. Lucky for me Brewster(UFC forum mod) read my post and went above and beyond to get me help with my situation. Since I do not have the original post I would like to recap as best that I can.

I have a 37 year old friend named Chris Clark, who for over 2 years has been battling brain cancer. He has had 2 seperate surgeries to remove these tumors and has been undergong both Chemo and radiation therapy to further treat his condition. All this time he has always pushed forward doing his best to remain in good spirits and always having a positive attitude. He recently had been undergoing focused radiation treatment to treat a third tumor located deep inside his brain that was deemed inoperable. I am sorry to say he was informed that the treatment was unsucessful and that he only had a set amount of time left on this earth to spend with family and friends.(6months to1 year) He will be leaving behind a young wife and a very young son(2 years old).

While at work I was discussing this with a mutual friend and we thought it might be nice to take Chris to the UFC while it was in Dallas since he has always been such a huge fan of the sport, but has never had the oppurtunity to attent a event. Our hopes were immediatly dashed when we went online to look for ticket pricing. The cheapest seats we could find were in the 250.00 range well above our means at this point in time. So my friend suggested I try to contact the UFC for help with the situation. At first I thought it sounded like a great idea. I created a forum user name and posted what i basically wrote above asking for help with ticket prices. Later that day I still saw no kind of reply, so fearing someone might think I was a scammer, I deleted my original post.

Lucky for me Brewster (UFC) read my deleted post and contacted me via email asking for more information on my situation. Brewster went above and beyond and contacted the proper people and with less than 2 days before the event I received a call from Beth(UFC) telling me that I would be receiving 2 VIP tickets to the UFC. [/QUOTE]

[QUOTE]I want to personally thank Brewster for his help in this situation, he really went above and beyond. Brewster treated me with sympathy, respect, and proffesionalism that one does not encounter every day with his fellow man. I would also like to thank the UFC and every person inside the organization that has made this possible. When I called Chris last night to tell him that we would be attending the UFC this weekend he was estatic. It was the most excited I have seen him in sometime, and it really was something to see someone in such a dire situation look, and sound so happy. He will also be personally posting his own thanks to Brewster and the UFC today on these forums. It really speaks for itself that an organization as large as the UFC would be willing to go out of their way at the last minute to help a person out in such a unique situation. I guess the UFC is in the business of fighters, and without a doubt my friend is a true fighter and will continue fighting until his days come to an end on this earth.

Once again I want to say "THANK YOU UFC"[/QUOTE]

 That'scool! God Bless! Brian Warren

I spread the word over to Sherdog too. Sorry it's a copy/paste from there and I am not allowed the same forum functions as there..here.

Sorry if the read is an eye soar, but if you would, copy the url and check out the original thread.

I shot Brewster an email, let him know I posted this here and there. I asked him to drop by so maybe he has something to say too. There was more than just him that deserved thanks for making this happen (Beth), I will just let him do it if he has the time.

That's awesome, kudos to Brewster for reaching out and doing that and good for the UFC, thats how fans should be treated.


that's awesome and a reminder that all of us here on the UG aren't total tools. unless this is all a troll...

BigSleep - that's awesome and a reminder that all of us here on the UG aren't total tools. unless this is all a troll...

Not at all. You can check it out @ UFC.com forums, it's a sticky. Or copy/paste the url I provided.

I just thought it was a worthy enough story to share with anyone who cared to read it.

 wow, thanks for sharing.

 good stuff.

Thats so awesome I can't even put it into words.
And this is coming from someone who, well I have a slightly different perspective on that story than most.
Awesome UFC. Just awesome.

Some nice pics up on the url link if you would like to look. Sorry, noob can't post pics.


There are pics of Chris and Mike (the 2 fans that secured the tickets) with the Tapout crew, Diego Sanchez, Jenna Jameson and some nice ringside pics of Kampmann and the Cro Cop vs Dos Santos fight.

Worth checking out along with reading the actual thread.

I have little shame in bumping this. If one more person reads it, then I am happy.

junbo79 - I have little shame in bumping this. If one more person reads it, then I am happy.


Brewster is a good guy. And Beth is great. Brew already posts here under a different name.

This was a great thing for Brewster to do, and good of Beth to be able to help out.

Wow, thats an awesome story.  Prayers for your friend!

I appreciate some of ya helping keep this thread alive. Even though I am only a messenger with this one, it is nice to read about something positive in the MMA world when a majority of the news and forums out there center around arguments and negativity.

In this situation, Brewster didn't have to do anything, and yet he did. Nothing but respect there.

 Great story. Awesome to hear

junbo79 - Some nice pics up on the url link if you would like to look. Sorry, noob can't post pics.


There are pics of Chris and Mike (the 2 fans that secured the tickets) with the Tapout crew, Diego Sanchez, Jenna Jameson and some nice ringside pics of Kampmann and the Cro Cop vs Dos Santos fight.

Worth checking out along with reading the actual thread.
I dont think we can see the pics if we are not a forum member there.

if you upload the pictures somewhere like tinypic.com and put the links here one of us can embed them.

great story. happy your friend got to go!


Great story.