UFC is paying guys to drop out of bellator mains

This is just too many "coincidences" in a row. Phone Post 3.0

Groan Phone Post 3.0

Lol Phone Post 3.0

Why would a company risk a huge law suit to stop something that was likely to fail anyway?

Don't know if you are familiar with tort law but interfering with the commerce of another entity is no joke. Phone Post 3.0

Dana "Gillooley" White. Phone Post 3.0

ricoricoramos - There something you need to know about me joe rogan. .. I smoke rocks Phone Post 3.0
Lol Phone Post 3.0

AlchemyIronworks - This is just too many "coincidences" in a row. Phone Post 3.0
Like your name, that'd be a form of magic that I don't think is possible. Phone Post 3.0

Danus would never do such a thing. Phone Post 3.0

I wonder how much Bellator paid JDS Phone Post 3.0

I approve of this thread....

*puts on tinfoil hat*

Have you discussed this with Jake Shields? Phone Post 3.0
