UFC needs to face the music and get rid of WMMA on men's cards

Putting women on men’s cards is only hurting women’s MMA. The women have to compete for eyeballs with much quicker and more athletic men. When a wmma fight comes on it just looks slow, weak and sluggish compared to the men.

Putting on all female cards showcases the women fighters against other women fighters and they look more competitive that way.

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Will never happen. They pad out cards with women and low level fighters that would have been in IFL etc back in the day and charge you more than ever. Why would they change that?

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considering 90 % of men fights are boring as fuck, having a couple women fighting on the cards doesnt bother me, i have much more problem with ufc being at the fucken apex center all the time and the overall talent they have is very lackluster, im having a hard time watching ufc lately, man or woman


I wouldn’t say 90% of mens fights are boring.

Personally I’d say about 38.7% for men’s
And 98.7% for wmma

40% of men’s fights end in KO and 20% end with subs. Of the 40% on a given night that don’t end in a finish… one of those decisions is usually a very entertaining FOTN.

UFC still often delivers an exciting Sat night of entertainment despite its flaws.

MMA is still by far the most exciting sport on the planet. Take a really exciting UFC card with high profile fighters…baseball, soccer, golf, wrestling, boxing, BJJ, football etc… are not going to be as exciting as a good UFC/ PRIDE/DREAM card.



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Feel you bro. I don’t even pay attention when the women are fighting… If I’m watching on PC I’ll throw YouTube on the other screen or play video games til they are done. I hated when they added WMMA over 10 years ago and my opinion hasn’t changed a bit since then.

If you did a poll asking if Woman should be taken off the cards and given their own show W-UFC
I’m sure it would be 97.5% YES !!!

Dude I thought women’s fights were bad

Then I saw a dude nearly 6 ft tall fighting at a woman’s weight and it just confirmed the circus act that is indeed happening, and he’s got clown hair!

I stand by my initial opinion that women’s fights along with any weight class under 155 aren’t worth my money

I agree it is horrible for the most part…with the exception of 5 or so women (Valentina, etc.), it is an absolute joke.

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No real man should weigh under 155 or even cut under that

I know the guy you’re talking about Lois gandinot was a clown indeed


Oh wait Ur talking about Kris moutinho aren’t you… Another clown

Even the UFC men are getting boring.

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It’s interesting to see the comments about the men’s divisions in the UFC. They’re as shallow now as they were in 2003 on the whole. I think the Reebok Deal, Joe Silva leaving, the Conor/Chael effect, and UFC not having a mandatory time to defend a title (which should be 9 months before you’re stripped in my opinion), all played a big part.

The uprising of wrestlers hasn’t helped either. I enjoy watching Wrestling, but I don’t enjoy watching a wrestler lay on a dynamic striker with no takedown defence for 15 minutes.

Maybe MMA itself is a flawed idea once big money started being paid, the winning formula has been found and now it’s dominated by strong wrestlers which by definition makes the strikers more wary and less likely to engage. When no one got paid, everyone could just go for it. Now the title comes with untold riches, everyone wants to come in to MMA with a strong wrestling game to get to the top

They hit the jackpot with Ronda and have been hoping to get another star ever since.
Let’s see what happens when Holms gets sacrificed and see what happens from there because the women can bring it once every so often.

Signed. Every wmma fight sucks ass no matter who it is


Separate cards makes sense to me. Very unlikely to buy the pay per view if there is a women’s co-main or even a women’s fight on it at all.

They should allow up kicks and be able to blast a wrestler with a knee even if he is down.

Mousasi actually lost fights from DQ’s and losingn points from up kicks.

Completely agree with the knees, a wrestler can essentially drop to one knee himself if he’s being threatened with knees, especially in a clinch against the cage, and maintain his own grip whilst nullifying the opponent. It’s not like a knee can damage you anymore when you’re on your own knees, than it can standing

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Um, I was 5’6" 145# back in the day, and I was very strong.