UFC Post Fight Pressers, why the change?

I watch a lot of the post fight pressers after big events. I dont remember when it happened but at some point they stopped having everyone on the platform together and instead went one at a time. Why?

I liked it better when everyone was up there at the same time and could interact. Especially on the occasions where thered be confrontations and shit talking (like Rockhold/Bisping).

Was it ever explained why the change? Is it so people dont stumble in late and what not?

I don't remember when it changed, but i liked the old way better.

Far less entertaining that's for sure

Agreed. I felt like it was maybe a year or two ago, but I definitely liked the old way better. Maybe they do it this way so the fighters don’t waste their own time if they are just up there and don’t get asked questions. I have no clue. 

they’re so boring now this is the first one I’ve listened to since the change.


I miss seeing the fighters react to each other up there. But the more focused 1 on 1 time is good too.

Its barely even watchable now

Now that I think about it more, I think one of my favorite parts of the post fight pressers was when Dana would interrupt fighters or answer questions for them or flip on reporters for stupid questions to fighters. Now its more just like a one on one scrum kinda situation.

If any UFC top men see this, BRING IT BACK

Wanderpage - Its barely even watchable now
I dont even watch them anymore

It changed around UFC 200?  It’s just part of the newer, more bland UFC presentation. 

The firsy time I saw it was Conor after he won the FW belt, every other fighter was on stage in the old format and then they all cleared out and Conor came and asked Dana if he could bounce too. It wasn't long after that they went with this format and it sucks, it's not good for the up and comers either, no one is gonna sit through an entire conference to get to the headliners, and now they are at the end no one wants to wait for even them either. Even Conor had the chance for loads of people to listen to him and see his personality after his debut in the old format, "Tree people died making this watch.", making the conference just as interesting as the debut itself. No one has that opportunity now, it's a terrible move, bring the old format back.

MR31 - 

I like the new way better. I just skipped the ones I don't care about. Listened to tj and Mike, was done with it in 20 minutes. Easy peasy

True, it is more condensed and focused but someone always posts a highlight vid.