UFC Puts Mayhem Miller On Prelims/Facebook

Seriously what the fuck? Regardless of what you think of the guy and his status as a "non-world beater", he's a REAL DRAW and exactly what the middleweight division desperately needs (a star other than Silva or Bisping). I just can't wrap my head around the fact that they have Stefan Struve fights on main cards frequently but they'll bury a legitimately entertaining fighter and A REAL CROSSOVER STAR on the prelims. The card placement is so stupid sometimes (Kongo fights on main cards, all bantamweight fights on prelims).

There are shitloads of people who don't watch much MMA but know of and are fans of Mayhem. His draw is massively overlooked.

Real draw? Lol? How? He's and average fighter that tries to make up for that with his over the top annoying character... He's far from a proven draw, undercard is where he should be IMO until he wins one Phone Post

right where he belongs.

KingD87 - Real draw? Lol? How? He's and average fighter that tries to make up for that with his over the top annoying character... He's far from a proven draw, undercard is where he should be IMO until he wins one <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

I don't think you know what a draw is. Read the first sentence - he is HUGELY POPULAR regardless of his "average" fighting skills. Clay Guida isn't even half the fighter Okami is but who do you think puts asses in seats?

He is a draw. I will look forward to his fights in the UFC. They need to bring in Jacare and a couple others and forget about the Strikeforce middleweight division now.

Throw him on 130 imo Phone Post

they should have given him an easier opponent because simpson has a good chance at out wrestling mayhem and controlling him for 3 rounds; not the best way to introduce the casual fans to mayhem.

BJJkilla - they should have given him an easier opponent because simpson has a good chance at out wrestling mayhem and controlling him for 3 rounds; not the best way to introduce the casual fans to mayhem.

True. The UFC doesn't protect (non-British) guys though.

Mayhem is a potential goldmine. Motherfucking MTV is behind him.

the retarded 12 year old kids that watch MTV shows don't buy PPVs, but they probably do have a facebook account.

Deaf Forever - 
KingD87 - Real draw? Lol? How? He's and average fighter that tries to make up for that with his over the top annoying character... He's far from a proven draw, undercard is where he should be IMO until he wins one Phone Post

I don't think you know what a draw is. Read the first sentence - he is HUGELY POPULAR regardless of his "average" fighting skills. Clay Guida isn't even half the fighter Okami is but who do you think puts asses in seats?

no shit, why are they not giving top billing to a guy that hasn't beaten anyone ranked forever, and due to his immaturity and lack of self control put an entire organization in danger with CBS/Showtime.

how can they be so tough on the poor soul.

jesus people are stupid. he's lucky he has a job.

Humphrey - 
Deaf Forever - 
KingD87 - Real draw? Lol? How? He's and average fighter that tries to make up for that with his over the top annoying character... He's far from a proven draw, undercard is where he should be IMO until he wins one <img border="0" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="Phone Post" src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" />

I don't think you know what a draw is. Read the first sentence - he is HUGELY POPULAR regardless of his "average" fighting skills. Clay Guida isn't even half the fighter Okami is but who do you think puts asses in seats?

no shit, why are they not giving top billing to a guy that hasn't beaten anyone ranked forever, and due to his immaturity and lack of self control put an entire organization in danger with CBS/Showtime.

how can they be so tough on the poor soul.

jesus people are stupid. he's lucky he has a job.

This is the UFC, idiot. Tito fucking Ortiz is on the main card of this same event. They factor in marketability when constructing cards, you should know this (Kimbo, Brock, Vitor getting a title shot).

I'm just pointing out that they're wasting a good opportunity.


People are letting their hate for Mayhem's 'character' cloud the fact that he is a genuine draw and a very popular fighter.

Thoroughly wasted facing a wrestler on prelims.

They are avoiding airing another mayhem stomping by nick Diaz on a main card. Nick is going to show up, raise hell, and leave.

UFC is keeping it on the hush hush Phone Post

In case you guys haven't noticed, nobody watches MTV anymore, either. Shit loses to Cartoon Network most nights. Mayhem is where he needs to be: aired on a free part of the card where an exciting fight or finish will get him noticed among PPV-buying MMA fans.

BrockbackMountain - right where he belongs.



chalice - the retarded 12 year old kids that watch MTV shows don't buy PPVs, but they probably do have a facebook account.

I imagine something very much like was said at the production meeting when they arranged the line up for this event.

Deaf forever, I'm sure your intentions are good, but you're wrong.

chalice - the retarded 12 year old kids that watch MTV shows don't buy PPVs, but they probably do have a facebook account.

He's right.

People put too much weight in the ambiguity of the term 'draw'. People draw in different ways. You're seeing this now with Lesnar, people don't care to watch him waltz around on TUF - but he IS the kind of guy through his wrestling background (fans who are used to buying PPVs on a regular basis) that can put up massive PPV numbers.

Mayhem's popular, but it's not a popularity that makes teenagers watching MTV go 'Wow, I need to pay $50-60 to see this guy fight!'. It simply isn't.

And yet Scambo was a co main event

Not many of my friends who watch UFC on a regular basis know who Mayhem is. Some of them remember him as the annoying guy GSP beat.

Mostly only hardcore fans know who he is. Bully Beatdown is not going to bring a ton of new viewers to the UFC.