UFC.TV has BAD password security

I rushed and created an account for ufc.tv when the free preview was announced on Saturday. I neglected to save my password with LastPass and had to reset it today. They sent my password back in CLEAR TEXT.

This is a bad security practice. I hope everyone out there is using a password manager like LastPass or 1Password to generate random passwords and don't use the same login/pass as their email account, bank, etc.

Proof, blue-namer please:

More on why this is bad:


Let me correct that I say, that I actually did save the password I set using LastPass, but ufc.tv truncated it to 16 characters from 25 without notifying me during the registration process.

Also I highly recommend LastPass with two-factor authentication using Google Authenticator.

VTFU and thanks for the heads up. Phone Post 3.0

Good to know thanks Phone Post 3.0

Thank you. Voted up.

I have just learnt a lot!

Thanks OP Phone Post 3.0

MentaL, what's up with the git repository?

I am sure they just rushed the registration process to get this out in time and meant no harm, but they should fix it.


. Phone Post 3.0

Wow this is pretty tragic, clear text passwords in this day and age.

Even though the UFC are streets ahead of others sports with regard to tech etc, things like this leave me scratching my head. Phone Post 3.0

GroundStPound - Wow this is pretty tragic, clear text passwords in this day and age.

Even though the UFC are streets ahead of others sports with regard to tech etc, things like this leave me scratching my head. Phone Post 3.0
This fucking app had plaintext passwords for the longest time untill I alerted them prior to the update. Phone Post 3.0

GroundStPound - Wow this is pretty tragic, clear text passwords in this day and age.

Even though the UFC are streets ahead of others sports with regard to tech etc, things like this leave me scratching my head. Phone Post 3.0

Seems like they must have rushed it out.

They also have shocking customer support, trying to unlock an account where I entered the password incorrectly is seemingly impossible. Terrible for a paid service.
