UFC Undisputed 3: McCorkle but no Sakuraba?

Unless I was really drunk when I played this last night, WTF @dfw @THQ etc.

I dig this years version, I think the addition of Pride FC mode was an awesome idea. Great improvements over last years, and tons better than the first game.

Awesome fighter selection. Don Frye!!!
No Fedor. I get it.Contracts, likeness, etc. Too much drama that's played out over the past few years. Whatever. Thanks for including a fair amount of Pride fighters, and stats from their Pride heyday.

But Kazushi Sakuraba WAS Pride.
He needs to be in this game.

Fix it. Please.


a fan.
who bought the game and buys PPVs

*Not meant to be a dig at McCorkle, cause I think he's awesome, but cmon man. Please don't put the cal on me.

Cmon everyone knows that Corky is a bigger legend then Sak


Sak's likeness is owned by a Japanese pro wrestling company I believe. Phone Post

Same reason you dont have Fedor in the game either. Minus the Dana White hate. Phone Post

UGCTT_Lloyd gave me my bluename -  now that I think about it, I would have lol'd if there was a Sazushi Kakuraba in the game 

Kaku ftw!

Is it a rights issue? That kind of sucks.

Is there a plan for a DREAM game or some kind of pro-wrestling game coming out of Japan?

Why in the world is a stiff like McPorkle in the game, I mean what are his stats like -20 cardio, +25 quit the fight when in the guillotine? Boy I hope he comes back at me with at least I'm a fighter, wanna fight, what a joke.. Phone Post

Would love to see mccorckles stats Phone Post

mark coleman is in the game.

I get that another game company has Saku under contract (been like that for awhile, same reason EA MMA didn't have him.) But they didn't even put his name and shit into the CAF mode (where they have dozens of fighters from Sato to Rizzo.)

Probadly be in the next fighter pack I'm guessing Phone Post

Mix6APlix - Sakuraba? What season of TUF was he on? Phone Post

Legit lol Phone Post

Totally agree, I'd love to have Sakuraba in the game. I'm still pleased with the roster, but there's a few more I'd like to see in the game.

in the game they say and mention fedor's name during pride fights.

Sofa King Cool - Eh, none of the games have had Randy.

Randy wasn't in my old Dresmcast game. Phone Post

Ea mma Phone Post

decasere - Why in the world is a stiff like McPorkle in the game, I mean what are his stats like -20 cardio, +25 quit the fight when in the guillotine? Boy I hope he comes back at me with at least I'm a fighter, wanna fight, what a joke.. Phone Post

15-2-0 not a bad record man what the fuck? Or have I just fallen victim of a troll post lol? Phone Post

I was scrolling through the HW roster and his face popped up. I laughed out loud that he'd be on the same roster as these other fighters and then almost puked because I had to look at his face.

I made a CAF with an overall of 15 - then beat the shit out of him with McCorkle to pad his record because I wanted to be as realistic as possible. Phone Post

Why the fuck is Randy not in this game? Phone Post

people still don't remember randy signed a deal with EA a long time ago? he won't be in a THQ game.

Didn't Mayhem and Nick Diaz sign that deal too? They're in the new one. Phone Post