Which do you like better and why?
pride.better production value.bushido.70 kg weight class.nuff said.
PRIDE, with Bushido very quickly gaining ground.
I love UFC and actually remember the first UFC in 1993 when I was only 14 years old - My uncle had one of those scramblers so we watched UFC for years on that damn thing...
But to be honest I love PRIDE - And I've watched PRIDE ever since the 4th PRIDE when Mark Kerr messed Hugo Duarte up with those headbutts....Damn that PRIDE caught my attention!!!!
The first 3 PRIDES we're good but not as good as the UFC at the time....But once Vanderlei Silva went to PRIDE and actually started doing really well because in the UFC he just didn't show his skills....The fight against Vitor he got beat but that fight would of not got stopped in PRIDE.....
I love them both. I wouldn't want to be without either of them...
But Elvis - if you were given 2 envelopes, one with tickets to watch Pride, and one with tickets to watch UFC, and you could only take one (Dont be a greedy bastid!:P), which envelope would you take?
UFC is way better, as it puts only legitimate matches, that most of the time are unpredicatable.
None of the Freakshows Pride is normally doing.
Also UFC fighters would kick ass of many Pride fighters.
UFC rules.
I'd see if I could trade one of the tickets for a slot in the show... first promoter to say yes gets me... :p
Pride should be the hands down winner but their show is so damn boring half the time.
I can't remember a time I haven't fast forwarded through at least 4 or 5 matches.
Why would I lie?
You're telling me you can sit through that whole show without wanting to stick pins in your eyes?
I take that back. I meant to say pins in your eyes & ears (once Mauro opens his mouth.)
Rogan at least doesn't put you to sleep.
I think the problem with Pride is that they don't give the fighters enough time to prepare. Look what a waste that first rd of the GP was? That could have been the best show ever if the fighters came in prepared and in shape. Instead it was one of the worst shows in Pride history.
I love both but most of my favorite guys are in Pride now, Chute Boxe, so I am on the fence because I like the UFC so much for some reason it appeals to me more but my favorite fighters are mostly in Pride.If Ninja comes to the UFC LHW division I would be so happy and hope they let him fight on the east coast show so I could watch him fight live and not just at a seminar...lol.
I have to say UFC. I like that they have more weight classes. I also think that Silva does a better job of match making. I rarely feel like a fighter is being given a freebie. I have had that feeling with Pride too many times, a little too pro wrestling.
Pride is fantastic and the GPs are awesome, but I would give the nod to UFC.
The areas that the UFC are weaker in are the HWs and the LHWs. But with Irvin, Wuiff and Van Arsdale dropping down, Horn going up and the signing of Bobalu, I think they are on the right track regarding LHW. Bonnar and Griffin should boost them as well.
Now if only they would start building up the HWs! Maybe sign Ricco and Barnett(once his deal w/ Pride is done). TUF II should also help the HW division.
I used to like UFC much better but Pride for sure.
In the UFC there seems to be too many fights with no rhyme or reason. Someone will win and never be seen again or if they win 4 and lose they drop outta the scene.
They totally screwed the light weight fighters.
The heavy weight division is anemic at best.
Matt is the only belt holder with stay power so its hard to really pull for any champ cause if they lose they are gone in the UFC so many times.