UFC Welterweight Striking Assessment

read the full breakdown at http://fightnomics.com/blog/ufc-welterweight-striking-assessment/




With what some are calling the “Welterweight Card” at UFC 158 just a week away, it’s time to assess the UFC Welterweight Division in critical striking metrics. In addition to the long-awaited showdown between reigning champ Georges St-Pierre and Nick Diaz, there’s four more 170 pounders all in the title hunt. So a lot of questions will be answered in this division in one night, and it would help to put some of those in context first.

Let’s see how the whole division stacks up against each other, then look at the winners and losers in each category. A full explanation of the chart and variables is included below.

interesting stuff

Reed Kuhn from fightnomics is the man... love his blog writeups.

Took me a moment to wrap my head around that chart, but once I did it's actually a very interesting visual representation and easy enough to follow.

Will have to read the write-up later.

Cool chart and piece. Only question is this:


"Though not shown here, the key will be GSP’s evasiveness (his head striking defense is excellent) traded off with his chin (his knockout resiliency has been getting poorer)."


Has he been knocked out and I missed it? Maybe I misunderstood the quote, or this guy is a clear Diaz fan.

Il Duce - 

Cool chart and piece. Only question is this:


"Though not shown here, the key will be GSP’s evasiveness (his head striking defense is excellent) traded off with his chin (his knockout resiliency has been getting poorer)."


Has he been knocked out and I missed it? Maybe I misunderstood the quote, or this guy is a clear Diaz fan.

I was wondering about that. Serra and Condit are the only ones to even drop him.