UG Errors and Suggestions ?

Just a question to the mods; is that section for soley IT/technical issues,or also for more general issues over how the forum is being run, can thread topics that fit the necessary criteria be moved over there? Thanks

ironically my post in that forum didnt show up

here it is

  so we can click the name in the thread to get this:

Posters on this thread
By Action Time
FlyingKnees Jump To Post 11 days ago
FlyingKnees Jump To Post 11 days ago
FlyingKnees Jump To Post 11 days ago
FlyingKnees Jump To Post 11 days ago
victorpoprock Jump To Post 2 days ago

which is great.

i propose when a post has a picture in it, we can get an icon next to Jump To Post so we dont have to weed thru pages and pages to see the pics we are hoping for.


 Forum was down for a long time tonight.


I thought I was going to have to do some work

Jump Kick -  Forum was down for a long time tonight.


 yeah.... it was like a rogan shout out or something, this place was broken for a bit-MM