UG POLL: Strebent or Silva

Not trying to have a debate, just looking to take a poll of what's person you would rather be right now.

Keep the discussion to a minimum and post your answer... Phone Post 3.0



Only vaguely know about Gerald's situation. Can't say but I would rather be Jan Michael Vincent in his prime.


One guy is free and the other is locked up...

You guys sure about that choice??? Phone Post 3.0

Neither guy got to spit in JBL's hat. Phone Post 3.0

Can the creator of this app do the following in this exact order.

1 allow users to conduct polls through the app

2 correct my record

3 tongue punch my brown eye

Thank you for your help, I am sure I will have an idea when the first two tasks are completed. Phone Post 3.0

Here for the gangbang Phone Post 3.0

Big Wes - Can the creator of this app do the following in this exact order.

1 allow users to conduct polls through the app

2 correct my record

3 tongue punch my brown eye

Thank you for your help, I am sure I will have an idea when the first two tasks are completed. Phone Post 3.0
Pics aren't necessary Phone Post 3.0

Isn't that crazy... He's locked up and it's almost unanimous that we would rather be in his shoes... Phone Post 3.0

One threatened. One killed.

I'd rather be big wes. Phone Post 3.0

Choices are hard. Phone Post 3.0

Strebent for sure.

At least he has the very real possibility of getting off on self-defense Phone Post 3.0

Silva will/should do less time Phone Post 3.0

ShanTheMan - Only vaguely know about Gerald's situation. Can't say but I would rather be Jan Michael Vincent in his prime.

Who wouldn't?