Ultimate Cage Wars??

"Effective immediately, Geneviève and I (Krzysztof) will no longer be partners in Ultimate Cage Wars (UCW),” it read. “We were not happy with the direction of the company nor the way certain departments were run. If you chose to continue business with UCW we wish you all the best… Geneviève and I are looking forward to starting a new promotion in the fall of 2009.” 

 Saw this on Sherdog and it's got me wondering about the future of UCW.   Anyone know what's going on with the next show... if there even is one?

I think the next planned show is Nov. 28th....

wow where was this read?

I've read it a few places now, it's legit

 The next show is apparently still happening, with the goal of having 10 fights from what I've heard.

The quote came from Sherdog.com http://sherdog.com/news/articles/mm-eh-doerksen-lutter-slated-for-november-14506

This is a Ultimate Cage Wars official statement for release. Tony Condello and Krzysztof Sosynski have agreed to part ways after the last show on Sept 12 2008. Mr. Condello feels Krzysztof Sosynski's busy training schedule and his move to the United States has seriously impacted his effectiveness to co promote the UCW show's here in Winnipeg. We wish Krzysztof Sosynski all the best in the future and would like to ensure to our great and loyal fans that the shows will continue under the direction of CEO Tony Condello and his management staff.

Gabriel Santos
President of Operations
Ultimate Cage Wars

A promoter himself for Winnipeg’s Ultimate Cage Wars, Soszynski and his wife recently relinquished his involvement with the organization in a press release.

“Effective immediately, Geneviève and I (Krzysztof) will no longer be partners in Ultimate Cage Wars (UCW),” it read. “We were not happy with the direction of the company nor the way certain departments were run. If you chose to continue business with UCW we wish you all the best… Geneviève and I are looking forward to starting a new promotion in the fall of 2009.”