Unusual Aikido Techniques

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When I see signs of affiliation with both the “Karate Kids of America” organization AND “Master Davis Taekwondo Schools”, I do not question anything being taught, because I know it’s top shelf. Rather, I simply commence practicing and incorporating the techniques shown.



BTW… the entire leg lock game just changed. Have fun trying to catch up…



For later

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The pressure point defense would not be my choice, in the leglock situation.

I have used the elbow one and shoulder one against bjj guys and it created relief from their pressure.

I do military hapkido.,… no high kicks, no flips, no karate chop defense… All techniques used by the instructor clearing buildings in Afghanistan

So my take on that stuff is… Yeah it works on uke. It might work on someone grabbing you if you can create the space needed to give you time to do it. But usually someone grabs you so they can punch you or shove you. Static grabs do happen in judo so it’s good to know how to break those idiot’s wrists. Yes, we had a student that did both hapkido and judo.

That said, pressure points work but have limited application.

Train realistically and you find out what works fast. Randori against people wailing on you or trying to tackle you is enlightening. It ain’t pretty aikido though. We had a few of those guys try to train with us. They did not stick around long and their big motion synchro dancing crap didn’t work on blue belts or above.

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After almost 30 years of watching MMA.I have yet to see an instructor in a live setting against a 100% resisting opponent utilize these techniques and have them work.

These techniques look good on film in slow motion against 0% resistance.

In a live street fight situation…not so much.

Well, I did MMa for years and I threw everything I had at my hapkido instructor. I never took him down or hit him… Glancing blows occasionally. That’s just how we trained

That said. He did try MMa in a local match when he was younger and lost. Rules + gloves and helmets messed him up and he got beat down.

To fight MMa you gotta train MMa. MMA is not realistic in so many ways… Padded floor, a ref, rules, gloves, time limits, judges, rounds, etc. Aiki stuff works best in fast, hard engagements like a mugging, someone taking a swing at you in a bar, or a police raid (some of the students helped on those… Too dangerous for me). MMA is a different animal than UFC 1-4 were.

There was a TKD guy that used hapkido deflection against Paul Varlens about UFC 9. He was doing okay until he ducked under Paul and took an elbow to the BoH… A technique we use also LOL


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Uh… Riiiight. We don’t spend the class rolling around on the ground and prepping for a sport tournament so it’s all fake. Got it