Urge Congress to Pass HR 890: The Gyms Act of 2021

Congress just passed the 1.9 Trillion Dollar Covid-19 Relief Act.

Included was a bailout for Restaurants that essentially covers them for any losses incurred during the Pandemic.

What was not included was any type of relief for Gyms and Fitness Clubs.

I don’t think I have to speak to this board in that we were among the hardest hit industries, and the IHRSA has estimated that 1.4 million jobs were lost in the Fitness Industry.

We were the first to be closed, the last to be allowed to open and we have received the least amount of aid of any industry.

Furthermore we are specifically running to cater to the physical and mental health and well being of people, the importance of which could not have been more understated in the wake of the pandemic and beyond.

There is a BiPartisan (introduced by Mike Quigley (D-IL) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) i bill introduced into the House H.R. 890 Gyms Act of 2020 that would provide economic relief to gyms.

This earmarks 30 Billion dollars for aid and a qualified facility can receive a GRANT as much as 45% of gross revenue in 2019 up to 20 million dollars.

The IHRSA is already organizing it’s members to to voice their support to the representatives in Congress for H.R. 890

The Martial Arts community in particular should also be voicing their support for this bill, as well making sure that we are including in this relief act.

You can find your House Representative through


An e-mail, letter or tweet can go a long way in supporting this bill and your local fitness or martial arts studio.

A sample letter is included below:

The Honorable (First name) (Last name)

(Room Number), House Office Building

City, State (Zip Code)

RE: Support for H.R. 890 Gyms Act of 2021

Dear (Representative/Senator/Congressman or Congresswoman) (Last name):

My name is My name is (your first and last name) and I am a (Gym Owner / Patron) who resides in your district.

I am writing to recommend my support for H.R. 890 Gyms Act of 2021. Since the start of the Covid Pandemic in March of 2020 over 1.4 million jobs were lost in the fitness industry. We were among the first to close, the last to open and we have received the least amount of aid during these times. It has proven that Gyms, Fitness Studios, Martial Arts Dojos, Dance, Yoga and more essential for the physical and mental well being of our citizens, highlighted through this pandemic. We believe that we will be an integral part of the recovery of America by keeping us healthy, but we do need the help that has been afforded to many other industries in this time.

I am hoping for your support for H.R. 890 to save American jobs and allow us to get America stronger than ever.



Print your name

Street address City, State, Zip code

EDIT: I was also shared this link that e-mails your representative with a form letter directly….

EDIT 2: I know one school owner who actually knows Rep. Quigley and is reaching out….

Thank you for your attention and looking forward to seeing you all on the mat soon!



Sadly, the fitness industry is too stupid to organize and get lobyists fighting for their interests.