Urijah Faber sketch card

 Another in my trading card series:

Urijah Faber sketch card, pencil 2.5x3.5"

add me on twitter if you like my artwork, @therealbradu

See all of my artwork at www.bradutterstrom.com

not bad.. body looks distorted though

What fight is that after? Phone Post

 when the page first opened it looked like fat faber
then i scrolled down and saw the rest of the body

good pic btw

Face is good, that's about it.

FrankenBeans -  when the page first opened it looked like fat faber
then i scrolled down and saw the rest of the body

good pic btw

 lol, I totally see what you mean. Yeah it's kind of a weird pose. This is just a sketch card, not meant to be a complete drawing, but I might keep working at it anyways. I still want it to look good.

RandyDarsh -  What fight is that after? Phone Post

 One that got his side all swole!!! j/k


Pretty good, where's Urijahs abs of steel tho? Dude has a fucking 24 pack. Phone Post

jesus people are critical here.  Good job bradu: topps get back to you yet? 

 alright guys, kept working on this one and I think it's improved.

UGCTT_ZJJitsu705 - jesus people are critical here.  Good job bradu: topps get back to you yet? 

 Yes and no...I have talked to them, they are interested. No details yet. It's promising though!

Keith Hacktroll - sorry dude, this one is pretty weak. you should take more time to do them right and stop cranking them out so fast.

 I don't know if you're being serious or just trolling, but either way I do have some thoughts. I will agree with you that, compared to some of my recent larger sized pastel work, this isn't as exciting. But, for what it is, I'm pretty happy. I do plan on keeping up this same pace, if not quicker...it's a fine line. I don't want to do subpar work, but I do want to stay busy and keep practicing as well as experimenting. So the nature of experimenting and practicing is that some works will be better than others.

I can't expect my trading card sized drawings to be as detailed as my larger drawings, that's just not realistic. But there's something intriguing about the challenge of working that small, and I will be keeping at it. And ideally, I would like to be able to take my sketch cards to 'the next level', and that's only going to happen if I keep at it.  I will also be doing the occasional pastel or other larger drawing for the more detailed/colorful stuff.

with all due respect this is far from the normal standards of your pictures. i love your work most of the time. this picture just isn't that good


sorry no wrist twirl!

Bas looks good all colorful

Young Randy, imo


That drawing is sweet.

The body is ok.....it's just that the pose is most commonly used by magazines to make girls with huge hips seem slimmer.

I'll bet he would look just like that after a hard fight if he struck that same pose.

bradu -  

sorry no wrist twirl!

Your my hero lol. How big can you print them? Phone Post
Got 8.5x11" prints of both of them, I think I even have a signed Bas print left. Also, if you wanted larger I have prints on www.theuntappedsource.com/bradu

bradu -
Keith Hacktroll - sorry dude, this one is pretty weak. you should take more time to do them right and stop cranking them out so fast.

 I don't know if you're being serious or just trolling, but either way I do have some thoughts. I will agree with you that, compared to some of my recent larger sized pastel work, this isn't as exciting. But, for what it is, I'm pretty happy. I do plan on keeping up this same pace, if not quicker...it's a fine line. I don't want to do subpar work, but I do want to stay busy and keep practicing as well as experimenting. So the nature of experimenting and practicing is that some works will be better than others.

I can't expect my trading card sized drawings to be as detailed as my larger drawings, that's just not realistic. But there's something intriguing about the challenge of working that small, and I will be keeping at it. And ideally, I would like to be able to take my sketch cards to 'the next level', and that's only going to happen if I keep at it.  I will also be doing the occasional pastel or other larger drawing for the more detailed/colorful stuff.

I'm not sure why these people are so quick to put you down, I believe it is fantastic work, Great job. Phone Post