Used my skills in self defense

Got into a little bind this weekend. Thank God for my training that helped me escape with no damage. I fianlly had to defend myself out of self defense:

I went to go look at cars this weekend and I stopped by the Honda dealer to look at Accords. This weird 50 year old salesman greets me and he was wearing an earring which pissed me off.
He came up to me in his fancy suit and giddy attitude asking me "How I was doing."

I looked him dead in the eye and said, "My name is Chris and I am looking for an automobile, maybe an Accord."

He started giggling, ran his fingers through his dyed hair and told me to sit in a red Accord.

I sat in the car and he said, "This is one sexy car."

I jumped out of the car in pitbull mode. I said, " I don't play that sh1t!"

I punched him square in the back of the head and he fell into a squealing, bloody heap. I reached down and ripped his earring out and said, "Earrings are for chicks, not dudes."

I hopped into my 75 Trans-Am and went home.

Good job. Sometimes you have to take a stand.


fiction should be interesting

Good to see all that training in self defense finally put to good use...

you are too kind.
you should have jabbed his ass the second he ran his fingers through his hair.

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

TPSM for president in '04!

TPSM is the funniest guy on the forum keep up the good work man

its about time we got some good parody posts on the boxing forum.

LOL. Keep training!!!

I don't think anybody would argue that you handled
it well. You showed patience your father never
would have. A good early Christmas gift to all of us.

Remember TPSM's alley fight with TodoDuro? I often wondered if that fight was really on the level. But after reading his detailed (and warranted) response to the salesman's attack on his masculinity I can conclude that TPSM is legit. Please forgive my doubt.


you forgot the part about getting blood on your wifebeater...

the guy forced his hand -- what choice did he have


Ah, I miss those days, I wish I had the entire TPSM chronicles.

This was one of the all time classic posts. I'm bored shitless reading 100 articles about Golota's mental health and then I read vintage TPSM to bring me back to the good old days.

I'm still laughing even though i've read it ten times before!