Vancouver Fans Screwed.

Sold out before tickets even went on sale to joe blow fans.

The UFC are in bed with the scalpers. They don't give a shit.

BanTheUKmmaNoobs - The UFC are in bed with the scalpers. They don't give a shit.


Is there anyway someone could run a DOS attack on stubhub? maybe send a message...

 If I don't get to see my own Co-host fight live, I'm going to have to kick a baby.

People are buying the tickets too, i sold all 6 of mine and made $2300. Today I got great tickets for WEC the next week for $150 and still have $2150 for my road trip. Made money and get to go see a better card on someone elses dime.....thanks BLAF!!!!!

randysan - People are buying the tickets too, i sold all 6 of mine and made $2300. Today I got great tickets for WEC the next week for $150 and still have $2150 for my road trip. Made money and get to go see a better card on someone elses dime.....thanks BLAF!!!!!

Go suck a dick Randysan.

Can't really blame you though. Don't hate the player hate the game???

The players are the reason the game exists. Smoke 'em out like roaches.

soo gay they should have released some tickets for the newsletter presale atleast scalpers are such scum bags get floor seats for $600 and charge $5000 for them such a joke

The best way to kill scalpers is for the UFC to up their prices to the market rates. If $600 tickets are going for $1500, the UFC should have priced them at $1500.

exactly then i wouldnt have a reason to complain and reason i didnt buy a fight club membership cause it would expire by when it comes back to van? did i know stupid fucks would buy all 20,000 tickets in 30 minutes for a card headlined by chuck and rich cmon now they should have atleast save some for newsletter pre sale and general public if they really cared about the fans


where are you guys selling your tickets? ebay?

jiujitsuplayboy - LOL at the butthurt fagots in here that were too fuking stupid/lazy to get there self a fight club membership and wake up at 10 am pacific and buy yourself some fuking tickets . BOO fucking HOO .

On a side note , I bought up six floor tickets and have sold 4 tickets at 2800 a pair . That puts me at + 1600 $ with 2 free floor tickets . Thanks BLAF .

This is fiction and you're clearly trying to wind people up.

But if you did do it I hope you catch bad aids.

All the UFC needs to do is to start selling tickets with names on them, which are then checked against peoples' IDs as they enter the arena on fight night.

I clicked on this thread thinking it was about 2 guys, both coming off brutal KO losses, being in the main event with no title implications.

fna - Ha!
I clicked on this thread thinking it was about 2 guys, both coming off brutal KO losses, being in the main event with no title implications.

Well there's that as well. I think I complained about that in another post.

PR - The best way to kill scalpers is for the UFC to up their prices to the market rates. If $600 tickets are going for $1500, the UFC should have priced them at $1500.

Yeah, but every market will have different demands. Not every place sells out in an hour so demand is obviously extremely high on the West Coast.

And if they did jack up their prices people would complain like crazy that the UFC is too expensive.