VIDEO TRIBUTE: Gomi (Head) vs. Guida (Head)

 So, I'm fresh off an unfortunate circumstance where my brain just fell off. 

I've been home from the hospital for two days, and was actually in the midst of starting this project when the brain aneurysm hit.  I had the choice to say "screw it" or just slap the rest of it together before tonight, so I opted for the latter.

I ask only one favor:  since I've been out for 18 days (14 of those in ICU), I'd be honored if you would click the linky and watch this on the  I get paid, like ... 19.00 per hit, and my summer home in Malibu needs some repairs.

Seriously though, I don't get paid shit, so my only reward is the interest shown, which translates through hits.  I know it's like asking someone to turn left and cough, but your family will not die if you simply choose to watch this on our site instead of here.

I have a SN bet with Bobby Lupo, so this fight has quite a bit of emphasis and excitement for me.  Remember, I suck as an artist, and I just started doing videos, but that's really the beauty of it all.


Glad to see you posting again!

Take care!

 ^Thanks, you giant Russian!

Shit, don't be such a stranger; it's been a while.

Happy New Year.  Hit me up through email sometime.

 ^Thanks homie, same to you.

Who do you like in Guida x Gomi tonight?

Glad to hear you're back, man. I thought The Garv was playing a sick joke when he posted what happened to you.

Heal up and kick ass this year.


 HAHAHAHAHAHA that vid was awesome.


Seriously how the fack is Guida favored?  The only way he wins is dryhumping Gomi for 15 min.  We'll see how much bouncing up and down he does in the pocket tonight.  Tyson Griffin may get some company doing the faceplant on the mat.

CRE - 
Uncle Justice -  ^Thanks homie, same to you.

Who do you like in Guida x Gomi tonight?



 LOL, probably one of your best wordless responses eva.

Thanks jjj2121, glad you liked it.  I really had to just lump shit together in order to get it out before the fight.

Mike Russell - Glad to hear you're back, man. I thought The Garv was playing a sick joke when he posted what happened to you.

Heal up and kick ass this year.



Thanks a million man, and I hear you on The Garv and his sick jokes.  He showed up with a nine iron and a shoehorn when I was sedated in ICU and mentioned something to the nurses about proctology.  The sick part was the absence of any Vaseline.

Hope you and the fam are safe and well, and that you all had happy holidays.

That video teared me up! Thanks for the shout out sir

solidsnake - That video teared me up! Thanks for the shout out sir

 My pleasure, sir.  You are by far the most avid Gomi Head supporter on the UG, which pretty much means we're married.


 LOL, old screen name?  Something tells me Kostakio was involved.

Thank you for the kind words though.