Vitor wants back in the UFC...

so, why not bring him in and have him fight Houston Alexander? It's a win for the UFC, regardless of outcome..

Vitor wins, he gets a much needed win, is introduced to the new fans.

Houston wins, he beats a legend, gets back on the winning track, and knowing Alexander, it'll be done by knocking Vitor's jaw into the 4th row.

"Vitor vs. Wandy is the fight i'd like to see. "

Good rematch. 205 is stacked. Any fight is really a good fight in that division.

"...although Wandy said he wouldn't want to cut that much weight.

He didn't say he wouldn't want to, he says he COULDN'T.

Exact quote: “That’s way too much weight for me to lose,” Silva said. “I couldn’t do it.“

"Aleksander would be a great match for both fighters.. "

You mean Alexander?

Aleksander is Fedor's brother.

why not...

Legend is certainly used lightly here. I blame Frank.

Vitor vs. Wandy

Vitor vs Houston seems like a great matchup on paper but the reality we would see is Vitor taking Houston down and latying and praying to maybe forcing a wouldnt be a stand up war like most would think...

id like to see Vitor vs Silva at 205..

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"so, why not bring him in and have him fight Houston Alexander? It's a win for both.

Vitor wins, he gets a much needed win, is introduced to the new fans.

Houston wins, he beats a legend, gets back on the winning track, and knowing Alexander, it'll be done by knocking Vitor's jaw into the 4th row."

It's-a-win-for-both usually means they both gain from it regardless of the outcome, you know. As in: win-win + win-win.

Most common is win-lose + win-lose, but every now and then there is win-win + win-lose. Sometimes you might even have a lose-lose + win-lose.
A lot of match-ups are win-lose, lose-win. Rarely lose-lose, but it happens.

I edited to clarify my position on the matter.

You are forgiven.

He better fight @ 185.

Is this the old Vitor?

ttt for later

"It's-a-win-for-both usually means they both gain from it regardless of the outcome, you know. As in: win-win + win-win.

Most common is win-lose + win-lose, but every now and then there is win-win + win-lose. Sometimes you might even have a lose-lose + win-lose. A lot of match-ups are win-lose, lose-win. Rarely lose-lose, but it happens. "

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he meant its a win-win situation for the UFC, and it usually is for them.

However, for two fighters it is pretty much always a win-lose situation. I know that's obvious, but if its like a War Machine vs. J-Roc fight, I'd say it was win-win for both of them after the show they put on.

You could also have a situation where an unknown fighter has nothing to lose against a top name...