Volkman on Administrative Leave for Obama Joke...

Robert P Hansson -
buchu8oolong - This is the same guy who had the secret service on him for that crack about wanting to fight him? <br><br>If so I lack any sympathy. If not well, okay little harsh as was already pointed out I laughed and told my fair share of jokes at the expense of GWB. But unless you are a total moron you have to know that there is a line you do not cross even if joking about physical harm to the President especially if it's in a very public manner. <br><br>I had one idiot make a crack like that on a discussion forum I was moderating about Bush and I had to report it up the chain even though I knew it was joking, I wanted that shit way the hell away from my name. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>


You think the mods here would tolerate death threats to political figures from random idiots?

Random person drags my name and my shit into potential trouble that random person in unceremoniously detached and given the courtesy of the heads up and some advise on how to avoid shooting themselves in the foot in the future.

You seemed confused on the term "snitch" but if you are the sort to test your 1st amendment rights relating to physical violent threats against sitting presidents, lemme know how that well that works out for you. Phone Post

Phisher -
JeffersonDArcyChoke -  Administrative leave?

How many were put on leave for calling Bush worse or implying worse?

I hated the joke, don't care about him or his politics but this punishment is too harsh. Phone Post

Oh fuck off with this shit. You're not seriously going to sit here and insinuate that nobody ever took any heat for talking shit about Bush in public when he was in office, are you? As a refresher, we can start off with The Dixie Chicks. Bush/Cheney wouldn't let people who were wearing political t-shirts that they didn't like get within 1000 feet of them when they made public appearances much less make threats of violence under the guise of bad jokes. You must have been living somewhere other than the US between 2001 and 2008 to make this claim earnestly.    

Being punished punished for your jokes and being made to stand back at a presidential address are two different things. I've never heard of anyone getting suspended over joking about gw. It was pretty much the norm to pick on the president when he was in office. so yes, it is a double standard. Phone Post

BadRobot321 - 
Phisher -
JeffersonDArcyChoke -  Administrative leave?

How many were put on leave for calling Bush worse or implying worse?

I hated the joke, don't care about him or his politics but this punishment is too harsh. <img border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;" alt="Phone Post" src="/images/phone/apple.png" />

Oh fuck off with this shit. You're not seriously going to sit here and insinuate that nobody ever took any heat for talking shit about Bush in public when he was in office, are you? As a refresher, we can start off with The Dixie Chicks. Bush/Cheney wouldn't let people who were wearing political t-shirts that they didn't like get within 1000 feet of them when they made public appearances much less make threats of violence under the guise of bad jokes. You must have been living somewhere other than the US between 2001 and 2008 to make this claim earnestly.    
Being punished punished for your jokes and being made to stand back at a presidential address are two different things. I've never heard of anyone getting suspended over joking about gw. It was pretty much the norm to pick on the president when he was in office. so yes, it is a double standard. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Making jokes about the president(even terrible and unfunny jokes) is one thing, and is totally fine. Threatening violence against the President is not. I don't know why this is so hard for people to understand.

Robert P Hansson - 
GoodnightWorld - Sorry, all. Phisher wins. Volkmann should learn to read a book and stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Also, I reeeaaaallly hope he's not one of those chiropractors who calls himself a doctor. Oh, my god. That makes me crazy. If you can suture a bullet wound in my leg and triage to the next dude, you're a doctor. If you think my legs are different lengths and that's my issue, you're an idiot.

You argue like a 12-year-old girl.

You know 12 year old girls who listen to Rush Limbaugh? That's the scariest thing I have ever heard!

the geek - 
Robert P Hansson - 
GoodnightWorld - Sorry, all. Phisher wins. Volkmann should learn to read a book and stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Also, I reeeaaaallly hope he's not one of those chiropractors who calls himself a doctor. Oh, my god. That makes me crazy. If you can suture a bullet wound in my leg and triage to the next dude, you're a doctor. If you think my legs are different lengths and that's my issue, you're an idiot.

You argue like a 12-year-old girl.

You know 12 year old girls who listen to Rush Limbaugh? That's the scariest thing I have ever heard!

It's much scarier that he knows how 12 year old girls argue...presumably from experience. No means no Robert P Hansen. Have a seat over there--->

UnderTheClock - Free speech goes one way now. 

Yes, it totally does go one way. It goes to sane people who can recognize the difference between yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater and endangering people, and threatening the President of the United States...


Political jokes. If Political jokes were what was really the issue here, don't you think the entire cast of Saturday Night Live would be locked away forever?

^ Reality is not popular these days. printing play money and giving away as 'benefits' is popular though now.

DallasVanWinkle - Who's Volkman?

Wait, nobody cares.
Who's DallasVanWinkle?

Wait, no one.


Admittedly I havent read through all 6 pages, but I thought it was funny that Volkman made the front page on fox, a buddy sent this to me asking if Ive heard of this guy lol.


I find it funny how you guys make these remarks about Volkmann's rights to free speech while completely failing to realize that it isn't his right to have a job. Especially a job where he teaches young children with developing minds this garbage that disrespects the President of our country. Kids can learn about disobedience from great figures in history. Not from the half-witted conspiracy theorist weirdos like Jacob Volkmann.

I'm glad he's gone from his job.

ender852 -

That cat pic is the funniest thing I've ever seen. I almost lost it. :) Phone Post

blueheron20816 - Admittedly I havent read through all 6 pages, but I thought it was funny that Volkman made the front page on fox, a buddy sent this to me asking if Ive heard of this guy lol.


He was also mentioned by Conservative talk radio show host Michael Savage on todays broadcast. Phone Post