Volkman on Administrative Leave for Obama Joke...

i cant believe so many ppl here are uptight over there in america over some osama comments.
I know it's bad to speak ill of the dead, but this is retarded.

Phisher - 
chesty_1775 - It's obvious that Obama is the worst president that the USA has ever had. But it's racist if you don't like him. Right?

You should read more books and listen to less talk radio.

You might take your own advice here. Your points on the Dixie Chicks (funny because you brought up a women's country band on a MMA forum) were way off. A more accurate comparison would have been if the Dixie Chicks had been fired or put on Admin leave from their record label, which they were not. The concerts cancelled were because Country music is predominantly right of center politically and their ticket/album sales went in the toilet after their comments. They also were having a feud with one of country's biggest stars and patriots Toby Keith, which also didn't win them any fans. Those "ladies" talked ill of the President of the US in a foreign country during a time of war. Similar to what Volkman did, I'll give you that.

However, if the UFC numbers for Volkman fights would have dropped due to his comments and THEN the UFC suspended him it would have been more similar a situation. This is an organization choosing to suspend someone for making a comment that was off color, it's their prerogative and I won't say I disagree with their decision.

What I do disagree with is you trying to say that liberals are more intelligent, read more books and listen to too much radio. I'm jealous of Rush Limbaugh and is $400M contract too, I just don't go on MMA forums and whine about it. And don't ever bring up the Dixie Chicks on an MMA forum. It's just gay (not gay as to delineate sexual preference, gay as in "man that's pretty gay" for all you over sensitive libs).

Some of you are really funny....

to the person who wanted to compare this to a union thing saying they would have defended him if he was a molester... Volkman isn't a part of any union. So there was no point in your attempt to argue.

Also the UFC and his job both have the right to do what they seem fit in cases like this. The UFC could cut him today and say whatever they want because they are their own private enterprise, that goes with their free speech, and the wrestling team is the same way. Volkman has the right to say what he wants, employers have the right to react how they seem fit, especially if the employee is bringing negative light on the business.

Politics aside, I am sure there are many parents who just wouldn't want their children learning from this guy. His strong opinions will turn off a lot of potential wrestlers since there will be certain families who wouldn't want thier children associated with a program that has him.

This isn't his first time either, he is trying way to hard to be a political voice and it just isn't working for him. The dumbass actually was mad at Rogan for not getting the joke about torturing the president. Any professional wouldn't laugh at that no matter what their opinion because they need to keep a level of decency to their job.

Now I am just ranting and losing my mind. I will crawl back under my rock now.....

^^The above are both good comments. This is a touchy situation, free speech is a funny thing. You can't yell fire in a crowded room, but inflammatory language at a soldiers funeral is allowed. It's not always fair, but Volkman should tread more lightly. Probably the most important thing to remember about Volkman is he's a fighter and a chiropractor, not a political analyst. Even though I think there is a serious double standard when it comes to criticizing Obama, I also think people should "stay in their lane". If I want advice on curvature of the spine, or a tweak to my lay-n-pray I'd call Volkman. I'll go elsewhere for advise/comments on the President. I put Sean Penn and Volkman in the same small aimless boat.

Maybe he should't have threatened to rip his arm off in the cage. Volkmann is a dumb ass and brought this upon himself.

You guys really don't know what freedom of speech is right?! Imagine Alec Baldwin saying some outlandish statement then getting fired from his show for it. He may have the right to speak his mind his employer has the right to fire him for it. Especially if it draws negative attention to that particular business. Phone Post

Dixie chicks talked bad about Bush they had to go into hiding. They did not like his politics I don't think they mentioned physically harming the president. Volkmann is a douchebag who doesn't like the new stricter billing practices that are being implemented in the new health care law to try to cut down on fraudulent charges. Phone Post

SpartanCurry - ^^The above are both good comments. This is a touchy situation, free speech is a funny thing. You can't yell fire in a crowded room, but inflammatory language at a soldiers funeral is allowed. It's not always fair, but Volkman should tread more lightly. Probably the most important thing to remember about Volkman is he's a fighter and a chiropractor, not a political analyst. Even though I think there is a serious double standard when it comes to criticizing Obama, I also think people should "stay in their lane". If I want advice on curvature of the spine, or a tweak to my lay-n-pray I'd call Volkman. I'll go elsewhere for advise/comments on the President. I put Sean Penn and Volkman in the same small aimless boat.

Those religious freaks protesting the soldiers funerals may have the right to speech in a very perverse manipulation of our laws but if my employee is doing that shit and they are shown on tv damn right I will fire there ass I don't need that kind of negative attention brought onto my business. Phone Post

gabemadrid - Dixie chicks talked bad about Bush they had to go into hiding. They did not like his politics I don't think they mentioned physically harming the president. Volkmann is a douchebag who doesn't like the new stricter billing practices that are being implemented in the new health care law to try to cut down on fraudulent charges. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

I agree with your first statement. Any freedom or "right" ends where another person's rights begin. The business has a right to let go someone who is negatively representing the business. I don't think the Dixie Chicks "went into hiding". Their demographic didn't agree with their statement. I don't think Bush sent Seal Team 6 in or anything, I just think they weren't thinking about all those Texans buying their albums when they made their statements. They didn't threaten the President, but if you look carefully at the words (and context) neither did Volkman. Saying you want ice cream, is different than eating ice cream (semantics). I know he doesn't like the Prez, Dana doesn't like statements from a marginally successful fighter drawing negative attention to the sport. Volkman may not like the healthcare law (neither does 60% of the country) but like the rest of us he's stuck with it. For now.

CokeBoyz - 
UGCTT_mrzipplokk - 
CokeBoyz - Everyone talked about beating Osama back up in 2001. So why is everyone mad that Volkmann said it now?

 Remove head fr sphincter, then post.  Obama was not the President of the United States in 2001

Are you that ignorant? 9/11, smh

I wanted to kick Osama's ass too

Luckily for you and everyone else, Obama took care of him.

Phisher - 
JeffersonDArcyChoke -  Administrative leave?

How many were put on leave for calling Bush worse or implying worse?

I hated the joke, don't care about him or his politics but this punishment is too harsh. <img border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;" alt="Phone Post" src="/images/phone/apple.png" />

Oh fuck off with this shit. You're not seriously going to sit here and insinuate that nobody ever took any heat for talking shit about Bush in public when he was in office, are you? As a refresher, we can start off with The Dixie Chicks. Bush/Cheney wouldn't let people who were wearing political t-shirts that they didn't like get within 1000 feet of them when they made public appearances much less make threats of violence under the guise of bad jokes. You must have been living somewhere other than the US between 2001 and 2008 to make this claim earnestly.    

when were the dixie chicks put on administrative leave by their employer?

gabemadrid - Dixie chicks talked bad about Bush they had to go into hiding. They did not like his politics I don't think they mentioned physically harming the president. Volkmann is a douchebag who doesn't like the new stricter billing practices that are being implemented in the new health care law to try to cut down on fraudulent charges. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

they went into hiding? when were they hiding? personally, obama and bush are the same big spending, big government war-hawks. hard to say one is worse than the other.

 I think the Dixie Chicks sold many less of their next album. That's about it.

 Administrative leave?

Just a ploy by the school board to not have to pay unemployment, a weak move. Volkmann should not be allowed to teach children after his irresponsible acts, and disrespectful mouth. 

Back to the construction yard with you Mr. Volkman, enjoy that manual labor. 

 Obama > Osama . I was had. lol

You could suspend this clown 10 times and he'll still keep spouting stupid shit

Hope they cut his ass

Neil Funk -  Administrative leave?

Just a ploy by the school board to not have to pay unemployment, a weak move. Volkmann should not be allowed to teach children after his irresponsible acts, and disrespectful mouth. 

Back to the construction yard with you Mr. Volkman, enjoy that manual labor. <br type="_moz" />

Read more about this before you spew, dude. He's a chiropractor that is on his 2nd leave for this same reason. Obviously he ins't worried that he will wind up in construction yard.

Total fail chump, and not even funny or entertaining like Sonnen.

gabemadrid - Those religious freaks protesting the soldiers funerals may have the right to speech in a very perverse manipulation of our laws but if my employee is doing that s*** and they are shown on tv damn right I will fire there a** I don't need that kind of negative attention brought onto my business.

being "religious" myself, those people are embarrassing. they do a poor job of representing God and give all of us a bad name. I think they are a disgrace and agree with your points.

UGCTT_mrzipplokk -  Obama > Osama . I was had. lol

I'm a little confused over which they are actually talking about in some of these points lol