MMA Underground Forums

Volkman on Administrative Leave for Obama Joke...

FadeToBlack -  LOL @ all tards crying about freedom of speech when this isn't even a freedom of speech issue. Read up on "freedom of speech" an what it really means before crying like a bitch about an employer suspending an employee, you ignorant dumbfucks. Phone Post

 lol while being rather harsh, you are on the money

CokeBoyz - Everyone talked about beating Osama back up in 2001. So why is everyone mad that Volkmann said it now?

 Remove head fr sphincter, then post.  Obama was not the President of the United States in 2001

The guy has a funny nickname, looks like a textbook underdog, came into the UFC and fought a tough fight against Paulo Thiago. I was a fan. Then some asshole decided to let him talk.

He should be ripping off Joe Rogan's arm for holding the microphone near his face.

stonepony - 
UGCTT_mrzipplokk - 
CokeBoyz - Everyone talked about beating Osama back up in 2001. So why is everyone mad that Volkmann said it now?

 Remove head fr sphincter, then post.  Obama was not the President of the United States in 2001
Not sure what country you live in, but in America you're allowed to criticize the President. Unless you work in a public school, in which case you're only allowed to criticize Conservative Presidents.

You're not allowed to threaten the President. They take that shit seriously.


this must be a troll topic. These guys can't possibly live under a huge rock together.

UGCTT_mrzipplokk - 
CokeBoyz - Everyone talked about beating Osama back up in 2001. So why is everyone mad that Volkmann said it now?

 Remove head fr sphincter, then post.  Obama was not the President of the United States in 2001

Are you that ignorant? 9/11, smh

I wanted to kick Osama's ass too

UGCTT_mrzipplokk -  lol

this must be a troll topic. These guys can't possibly live under a huge rock together.<br type="_moz" />

There are some pretty big rocks out there!

Whether it was going to happen now or later, Volkmann doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes. Did he expect the UFC to just ignore his incredibly bizarre statement? The guy seems like a sociopath. Even if he fights again for the UFC he probably won't be on the main care or televised part ever now.

Whether it was going to happen now or later, Volkmann doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes. Did he expect the UFC to just ignore his incredibly bizarre statement? The guy seems like a sociopath. Even if he fights again for the UFC he probably won't be on the main care or televised part ever now.

daba - Whether it was going to happen now or later, Volkmann doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes. Did he expect the UFC to just ignore his incredibly bizarre statement? The guy seems like a sociopath. Even if he fights again for the UFC he probably won't be on the main care or televised part ever now.

Good, he's boring as fuck as a fighter, AND he's a moron. Good riddance.

stonepony -
UGCTT_mrzipplokk - 
CokeBoyz - Everyone talked about beating Osama back up in 2001. So why is everyone mad that Volkmann said it now?

 Remove head fr sphincter, then post.  Obama was not the President of the United States in 2001
Not sure what country you live in, but in America you're allowed to criticize the President. Unless you work in a public school, in which case you're only allowed to criticize Conservative Presidents.

And when this story happened, even though I am highly critical of the Bush administration, I sided with suspension being fair given how blatantly one sided it appeared to be and the age level of the students.

Far left, far right, hardcore libertarian whatever there is a line as an educator where you are supposed to be equipping the students to think for themselves not presenting your world view and rants. Even in the case where you as an adult may agree with some points. Phone Post

stonepony - 
MichaelMeyers - 
stonepony - 
UGCTT_mrzipplokk - 
CokeBoyz - Everyone talked about beating Osama back up in 2001. So why is everyone mad that Volkmann said it now?

 Remove head fr sphincter, then post.  Obama was not the President of the United States in 2001
Not sure what country you live in, but in America you're allowed to criticize the President. Unless you work in a public school, in which case you're only allowed to criticize Conservative Presidents.
This isn't North Korea. His little joke does not constitute a threat.

Obviously the Secret Service disagrees with you.

stonepony - 
BigSleep - 
stonepony - If he had been accused of molesting kids in the locker room, the school and teacher's union would have charged to his defense.

lol....yeah right. Show us one time that has happened.
Must be your first day in the world huh? Teachers molest more children than any other group, and are very protected by the union. Remember John Mark Karr? The freak who claimed he killed the Ramsey girl? He had been bounced from school to school to school running from accusations of sexual abuse.

"charged to his defense" is different than shuffling someone around and making him someone else's problem.

stonepony -
buchu8oolong - 
stonepony -
UGCTT_mrzipplokk - 
CokeBoyz - Everyone talked about beating Osama back up in 2001. So why is everyone mad that Volkmann said it now?

 Remove head fr sphincter, then post.  Obama was not the President of the United States in 2001
Not sure what country you live in, but in America you're allowed to criticize the President. Unless you work in a public school, in which case you're only allowed to criticize Conservative Presidents.<br><br>And when this story happened, even though I am highly critical of the Bush administration, I sided with suspension being fair given how blatantly one sided it appeared to be and the age level of the students. <br><br> Far left, far right, hardcore libertarian whatever there is a line as an educator where you are supposed to be equipping the students to think for themselves not presenting your world view and rants. Even in the case where you as an adult may agree with some points. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
So, you're comparing a teacher in a classroom teaching children to equate Hitler, to the president. With Volkman's little joke outside of school? You're pretending there's a comparison there?

I responding to your claim that teachers had a free pass when Bush was in office and saying I agreed and still agree that teacher deserved disciplinary action regardless of my personal politics. Phone Post

You would think he would have learned his lesson Phone Post

Look I am all about a good joke, but I am also aware there is a time and place. I am free to have political discussions at my work or trade a joke or two and we have people who run the gamut. But I also understand that there are situations at my workplace where it would be uncalled for, out of line, and I would be disciplined for it. As a functional person I know where the lines are and they are plain as day. This guy obviously does not even though you would think a visit from the secret service in the past would have clued him in to putting a little more thought into when and where he drops his jokes.

I'm pretty much done giving this my attention and tried to say my piece civilly but I fully support freedom of speech be it the Tea Party, Pro-life, Pro-Choice or the Occupy movement and so on when it's being expressed in the proper way. You can believe or disbelieve that as you will. Phone Post

Id sue the school, they have no right to suspend someone for speaking freely. Phone Post

My username would suggest that I think Obama is a fool. An absolute dummy. But, imagine that everyone in that school especially the wrestling kids are in front of a TV come UFC PPV time. Volkmann is in the hallways of their building all the time. The school probably wants no controversy because out of all families that buy that PPV to see him, a few mom's and dad's are uptight libs who dont want their kids getting any brainwash than their own.

Notice the school didn't fire him for the second offense. They are just making a statement.

Id sue the school, they have no right to suspend someone for speaking freely. Phone Post

^Of course, Counselor.


^What does that mean?