Vote for UFC ring girl Ali Sonoma!

Okay, some of you might remember in April I tried to get you guys to help vote for Ali in an online contest. Unfortunately, she lost out to some butterface named Moxie, but fortunately, the contest starts fresh at the beginning of the month.

So far I've gotten the word out and she's sitting in 2nd place, and I need the power of the UG to put her over the top.

We have a week, and you can vote for her every day, so why don't you all show Ali some love?

Keep this ttt'd if you reckon she's hot enough.




Ali has a better ass though ^^^^^

Ali by a loooooooog shot.

"Arianny is way hotter. Ali has a good body but her face looks kind of manish in a lot of photos. "

This place never ceases to amaze me.

Whats up with the middle chicks eyes?

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^^^^^LOL that aint even right...

Damn, Ali has a great ass!


Annnnndddd.....I'm done!

quickly cleans off keyboard and screen

"Damn, Ali has a great ass!"


Trying to think baseball right now

Oh my God what an ass!!!

"Arianny is way hotter. Ali has a good body but her face looks kind of manish in a lot of photos."

Are you sure you are looking at the right girl? I cant see one manish part of her.

Needs more rack.

Met Ali at UFC 65 as my bud and I were in the front row to see GSP crush Hughes in Sacramento. Completely down to earth as well as gorgeous. She came runner up in the UFC girl search but said the actual winner got pregnant, so UFC called her up. She was secretly cheering for GSP because he was a "nice guy".

If your an ass-man than this is as nice as it gets - and I tell ya I got a look at that sucker close up. Forehead is a little big though.