Wait wat?

Just awake here in aus, what is going on?
Dana said conor doesnt want to fight cause itll affect his training....
Well yea obviously....
So he isnt even injured, he just doesnt want to fight only train? Phone Post 3.0

Just go back to sleep dude Phone Post 3.0

Lol Phone Post 3.0

You're waking up at 11am on a school day? Are you unemployed?? Get back to work you slacker!

You're dreaming - wake up. Phone Post 3.0

chingluksuwa - You're waking up at 11am on a school day? Are you unemployed?? Get back to work you slacker!
Lol in WA Phone Post 3.0

Cameron0000 - 
chingluksuwa - You're waking up at 11am on a school day? Are you unemployed?? Get back to work you slacker!
Lol in WA Phone Post 3.0

A curse upon this massive, timezone consuming nation of ours!

It was all a dream. Phone Post 3.0

I have a photo of my foot stepping into the Indian Ocean in Perth. It's very original. True story bros. Phone Post 3.0