Walk around weight?

 they all walk around at 220, regardless of weight division

They walk around at 220 but when they lie down they are 250??...


ok..... I have been told GSP 170 walks around at close to 200, a few of my training buddies in Brazil told me this. When he is there he trains over at Barra.

 I'm no top level fighter but I fight at 155 & walk around about 175ish...

I walk around at about 160 but bulk up to 205 to fight, i'd imagine a lot of the top echelon of fighters do the same.

I can easily believe Forest walks at 240...

Pariah - I walk around at about 160 but bulk up to 205 to fight, i'd imagine a lot of the top echelon of fighters do the same.

 I want to say thank you! I just had an epiphany if you will....my first pro fight is coming up & it's at 155; most of my amatuer career I've fought at 155 or 170 (occasionally 185)...I'm undefeated at 185...205 here I come!

runs away like a giddy 12 year old girl, phone in hand, dialing promoter's number

Only ones who have said in interviews, i.e. not just speculation:

Sherk = 175

Tyson Griffin = as high as 180

BJ = weighed 168 to fight at 170, so presumably around there

Edgar = 162 last I heard, looks like he's put on some weight though

Hughes = 185

GSP = 186

Anthony Johnson = as high as 210

Koscheck = not sure but has said he could make 155 no problem

Anderson = 215-220

Franklin = 217 when fighting at 185

Sonnen = 220

Henderson = 200-205

Lindland = 200

Tito = 220-230

Forrest = 230-245

Shogun = 215-225

Rampage = 217 a couple years ago, probably more now

Lyoto = not sure now, but has weighed in as low as 200 for his early UFC fights iirc

Wanderlei = 215-220

Don't forget, walk around weight is not what they rehydrate to post weigh-in.

Sherk says he's back to 175 at fights, but I pretty sure the Forrest number is between fights.


If you watch Dana's blog, Rashad was 207 and Lyoto was 210.

I don't think the numbers orcus posted are 100% accurate. Sonnen was 220 before this fight but isn't usually that large. Usually 205-210. Sherk said he was cutting from 175 and would be back up there by fight time but I believe that means he may diet down from a bit more, then cut the rest. It all depends how you determine the start point for cutting weight.

There is a difference between walking around weight, and in shape time of the fight weight. Serra when he had his back injury and couldn't train ballooned up to 203. Forrest is 240ish between fights (same w/ Kristoff), but there is no way he cuts 35lbs to weigh in, and then gains it back fight night. Some guys let themselves go badly when they aren't training. BJ was around 193 when he fought Machida, but his in shape weight is 168-171. Hughes is about 193, GSP 187, Linland and Hendo walk anywhere from the low/mid 190s to about 204. Linland had even considered a drop to 170 a few years ago. Tito is about 218-220 in shape, Chuck's in shape weight is similar, but he lets himself go more between fights, and can get up into the 240 range. The better question is how much they weigh at the time of the fight.

Rashad and Lyoto's weight were during the last few days of dieting before the final water cut at the weigh in. Both were likely a bit more at fight time.

frontrowbrian - 
Obiewon -  I'm no top level fighter but I fight at 155 & walk around about 175ish...
what do you weigh when you step into the cage/ring?


 Normally b/w 167-170...depending on how well I rehydrate...

Fighters, tell us your walking around weight, and your step in the cage weight.

 I diet hard for a week to 10 days before the fight & cut water from 163-165....