Wanderlei Silva documentary video

wanderlei Silva in Chute Box etimes. Training withNinja, Assuério Silva, Pelé Landy and even some Anderon Silva scenes.

Pay attention in how hard is sparring with Pelé. Ninja eating some sick knees.

wanderlei Silva in Chute Box etimes. Training withNinja, Assuério Silva, Pelé Landy and even some Anderon Silva scenes.


Wanderlei Silva in Chute box etimes. Tainig with Ninja, Assuério, Pelé Landy and even some Anderson Silva scenes.

It doesn't play.Tht's the video adress:


ps:i promisse that i'll learn how to post those videos

for later

BRO HYMN - It doesn't play.Tht's the video adress:


ps:i promisse that i'll learn how to post those videos

Find the "embed" code on the page of the video and copy+paste it in here at mma.tv like you tried to do with the url. Then this happens:

CDarwin - 
BRO HYMN - It doesn't play.Tht's the video adress:


ps:i promisse that i'll learn how to post those videos

Find the "embed" code on the page of the video and copy+paste it in here at mma.tv like you tried to do with the url. Then this happens:

Thanks a lot Darwin



<blockquote>K-Dub-"T" -  Wanderlei's sister = mm mmm mmm.</blockquote><br /><br />

Yeah i remember seeing her in that video years ago. Wow, she is a beauty.

K-Dub-"T" -  Wanderlei's sister = mm mmm mmm.



I think i've seen this before. Looks like Wand comes from a good family. He seems very humble and down to earth. He's one of the fighters i would most like to meet.

BROTHER WISDOM - I think i've seen this before. Looks like Wand comes from a good family. He seems very humble and down to earth. He's one of the fighters i would most like to meet.

No doubt about it. In thebeggining of his carreer Wanderlei helped his father on the small store/ bar wich they have in Curitiba.

And it's nice to see some pics of Silva during he joined the Army.

 Sweet!! Thanks for posting!