I was a bit high and came across this random Google group thread from 14 almost 15 yrs ago
Apparently Igor was rumored to be having a come back bout against Wanderlei. That would've been a sick fight imo.
MMA fans haven't changed lol
Franky stole his soul with that head drop.
The Real Asian Cowboy -More like his collar bone.
Franky stole his soul with that head drop.
Did anyone go to the link?
Has anyone heard of this rumored bout?
too many newbs I guess?
Galanis - Just watched his fight with Sperry in Battlecade yesterday. Great back and forth war, surprising ending. Underrated fighterPretty sure it was Extreme Fighting. Ah, the good old days back when Extreme Fighting was the #2 org in the world lol.
Igor Vov was actually rumored to have a comeback fight with Wand too. I think it was the PRIDE event in America, think there was a poster of it.
Wand by destruction.
War wand!!!
KingD87 - Igor Vov was actually rumored to have a comeback fight with Wand too. I think it was the PRIDE event in America, think there was a poster of it.Yeah I remember that one. My God that would've been legendary
Vovchanchyn vs. Wanderlei in Pride during their best days would be probably one of greatest fights ever.
Zinoviev vs. Sperry was also crazy fight.
Zinoviev was rumored to fight Chuck Liddell I believe.Their were negotiations but it never materialized.They even showed him in the audience and talked about him..This has been several/many years back I thinbk when zuffa first bought UFC
Lord Humoungous - Zinoviev was rumored to fight Chuck Liddell I believe.Their were negotiations but it never materialized.They even showed him in the audience and talked about him..This has been several/many years back I thinbk when zuffa first bought UFCDamn that woulda been cool too