Wanna train with Kerr in Denver?

I've spoken with Mark Kerr and he's considering doing some teaching while here in Denver. Bear in mind that he's in training himself right now, so we're thinking maybe one day a week max, but more likely a one time seminar for a couple of hours.

We were thinking about maybe 2 or 3 hours, and charging $20 or $25 an hour. I think this is a fair price, but before jumping into anything I'm putting feelers out for the level of interest here. So let me know if you'd be interested.

If there seems to be an interest in doing this, I'll put up notice of when and where. Everyone please keep this up so my Denver peeps can see this.

"What's Mark doing in Denver?"

He's preparing to fight here on May 6th.

good luck mark

"Hi Chad,
Mark mentioned you the other night. Thanks for looking out for him.


No problem. Just reciprocating his friendliness towards me, that's all.

No one would be interested in this???

$20-25 per hour seems extremely reasonable, IMO

Would this be a seminar or would it be one-on-one instruction?

I think its a great idea. Keep it going--might just be slow time right now.

Denver is in the middle of nowhere. I think that's the main problem. If Kerr was in NYC or Cali, this thread would have hit 200 posts already.

I have sent Aaron Accero to work out with Kerr before several of his fights...

Mark knows MMA wrestling better than anyone else in the buisness...no jokes about his last fight

"Would this be a seminar or would it be one-on-one instruction?"

Small groups. Max of say 30 people. Any more than that and no one gets any personal attention and everyone's in each other's way.

"i would fly out and pay 25 just to hear the stories that guy has."

Yeah, he's definitely got some entertaining tales to tell. He had me rolling telling me about going to bars with a certain Dutch kickboxer who shall remain nameless.


What would the dates on it be? I think flying out for something like that would be extremely badass


If I was closer, I would come just to support Mark...After watching his HBO
special and how he let everyone know what was going on with him, i've
been a big supporter of his. He seems like a genuine and humble guy.

He had same bad luck in his last fights, hope he can jump back into

TTT for you guys.

TTT for Kerr and ChadK.

For those of you that don't know Chad he is always there to help people out. The guy loves boxing and MMA and he is a great coach himself.

Chad I would be interested in paying for this. I'm sure I could round up some of the guys I train with also.....


Cindy...please email me.


good thing you let us all know Doctor... whew what a relief.

TTT for Mark

TTT for CindyO!

Look forward to it.
