Swedgen -You are master'
Dana's not gay, he works out and acts tough plus he's married.

Swedgen -You are master'
Dana's not gay, he works out and acts tough plus he's married.
Judging from the size and sponginess of WM's lips, I'd say he knows EXACTLY how that scenario is played out.
sad commentary on the mma journalism that this half wit gets coverage
why not just interview the village idiot down on the corner
i really want to root for machine , but ....
This is coming from a guy who's girlfriend sucks other guys dicks for a living...
My farts have more substance than that entire interview
Why doesn't Bellator can this idiot? Does Viacom really want to be associated with this fucking goof?
Jay-dog -His notoriety grows almost daily. He is a smart guy. Has some issues but he knows his pockets are better off as long as people are talking about him.
98lbweakling -He is under heavy pain meds and just coming out of anesthesia after wisdom tooth removal.Jaybrone -chaplinshouse -VTFU
A 14 yr old parallel universe Jon on his way to prep school (0:40)
Is that kid retarded??
Does bjork give out twitter and media bonus cheques cause he has a winner here.
Well It's war Machine, rude, lewd, and crude. And though his arguments can be be judged to be both fallacious and 'fellatious'...I still fucking lol'ed
It would be funny if War Machine gets offered a UFC contract... under one condition... haha
Jason Reinhardt - or war machine. or whatever his name is.I like Machine War waaaay better. Lets start a movement to change his dumbass nickname around.
I'd take a shot in the mouth for a spot on the main card
youhavetocallmenighthawk - I'd take a shot in the mouth for a spot on the main cardNo way man
youhavetocallmenighthawk - I'd take a shot in the mouth for a spot on the main cardlol
chaplinshouse -A 14 yr old parallel universe Jon on his way to prep school (0:40)
Tears in my eyes!
I don't know why, but I believe him!.......
The saddest part is, it's true.
Throwing away all laws and social concerns for a moment.. you know if DFW one day just said, "hey, you know what? Suck my dick!" to some desperate guys wanting in to the UFC, they would do it. I imagine it's like survival when your best skill and chance to make a good living is as a fighter and the only paying gig in town in the UFC.
DFW probably long ago came to that realization and maybe the only reason he doesn't get busier with the help is because he doesn't want a sexual harassment suit to bring him down.
Funny shit and not at all what I was expecting to read based on the headlines.