War Machine: God forbid if Dana White was gay

War Machine rocks.


The guy is all id.  Amazing.

lol@anything WM spouts off about. Such a clown. The only reason he gets interviews is because of the stupid shit he says so people can laugh at him while he grasps at being relevant.

tecknowledge - that is fucking funny.
LMAO Phone Post 3.0

I like his rants more than chael's ... more balls

Poindexter -


. Phone Post


Hilarious Phone Post 3.0

BernardHopkins, That's ashame you feel the way you do and wouldn't let your kids train in a gym with mma fighters and with the normal folks inside an mma gym who just want to learn martial arts, and get in shape. My gym isn't anywhere near of what you describe. We have mma fighters training everyday. Actually the fighters help the kids and are very respectfull inside and outside my gym walls. If not, they will be asked to hit the bricks and never come back. I have a No Tolerance rule for any BS. My guys are expected to rise above and to realize we are doing Martial Arts here! Anyone can learn to kick or punch. Wanderlei Silva's gym has many kids at his gym who are around a lot of MMA fighters. Again...nothing but RESPECTFULL people. (A true family atmosphere) And the list goes on.... Sorry if you had a negative experience, but not all MMA gyms are created equal. I hope you change your mind oneday about our sport and the people in it. If you live in the Midwest I invite you and your kids to my gym with open arms. #Respects

A village is missing its idiot. Phone Post 3.0

ManWithTheIronFists - This guy is retarded.
Truth Phone Post 3.0

The guy changed his name to fucking War Machine. Who would do that unless they are retarded or just crazy? Phone Post 3.0

During the interview he says that all it takes is a high profile fighter to have the "balls" to say the pay isn't right.

Didn't Couture and Sylvia essentially try that?

chaplinshouse -

A 14 yr old parallel universe Jon on his way to prep school      (0:40)

VTFU Phone Post 3.0

His notoriety grows almost daily. He is a smart guy. Has some issues but he knows his pockets are better off as long as people are talking about him. Phone Post

suck you goof Phone Post 3.0

2JupitersTooMany - suck you goof Phone Post 3.0
Ha ha! Phone Post 3.0

This guy is dumb as rocks. Phone Post

2JupitersTooMany - suck you goof Phone Post 3.0
LMAO. Voted up. Phone Post 3.0

Jaybrone - 
chaplinshouse -

A 14 yr old parallel universe Jon on his way to prep school      (0:40)

VTFU Phone Post 3.0

Is that kid retarded??

I cannot stand that Bellator is keeping this guy relevant.............