War Machine on WMMA, Fallon Fox and Whole Foods

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                                War Machine on WMMA, Fallon Fox and Whole Foods

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                    <p><a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/snu6i2url53wjvb/War%20Machine-3-29-2013.mp3">Jack Brown Audio Interview</a> &ndash; War Machine</p>

War Machine, AKA Jon Koppenhaver, is a Bellator welterweight, who has also fought in the UFC and was a competitor on TUF 6.  War Machine’s talent as a fighter has, at times, been overshadowed by some of the more notable difficulties he has encountered personally and professionally.

Nevertheless, his infamy and experience have allowed him to have a certain candor that most fans can appreciate.  All of this also makes him uniquely suited to weigh in on a range of MMA’s hottest topics, and that is exactly what he did in his recent interview with Jack Brown. 

Please listen as War Machine discusses the following and more:

When his next fight with Bellator will be:
“It should be for sure in June.  I’m just waiting to see the exact date and what opponent they’re going to give me for the fight.”

If he will be getting a reality TV show:
“I don’t know, man.  One time I almost got selected for my own dating show…They got it down to three of us. It was like me, Roger Huerta, and Urijah Faber.”

What he thinks of Invicta and Women’s MMA:
“Bec Hyatt’s cool, man.  I hope she wins.  Women’s MMA, I have no problem with it.  Girls fight tough, dude…The only thing with women’s MMA, they’re still kind of like back in time. They’re still at like UFC 15. They’re not really super well-rounded yet.”

His take on Fallon Fox:
“That’s bull---.  That’s like if I cut off my dick and I go beat up Ronda Rousey…If you’re a man, you’re a man.  I don’t care if you cut off your ween and you call yourself a chick.”

Where he shops for his groceries:
“I’ll drive all the way to Whole Foods just because there’s so many chicks there, dude.”

Why he has a beef with Team Lloyd Irvin:
“I hated Lloyd Irvin since, I don’t know what year, ever since I fought Rashad Woods…That whole team acts like a bunch of punks…After the fight, Lloyd Irvin wouldn’t shake my hand…he disrespected me…mad-dogging me…I challenged him to a fight…I’m glad that it came out that he’s a scumbag and that he’s producing scumbags…I don’t know why anyone would ever support him.  Whatever.  People are brainwashed.”

Listen to the interview...

Thank you so much for listening and please follow @WarMachine170  and @jackjohnbrown on Twitter. 

Visit Facebook for links to all of Jack’s past interviews and blogs.

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Did anyone else laugh out loud when he said "ween"? Or is it just my inner 3rd grader coming out?

There are a lot hot girls in north face and yoga pants at whole foods. Phone Post 3.0

DiscipleDojo -

Did anyone else laugh out loud when he said "ween"? Or is it just my inner 3rd grader coming out?

Everyone must listen to the full audio. It is even more explicit than what's quoted here. War Machine does not pull punches with TLI! Phone Post

Oh god even war machine talks like he has been to college for seven years facepalm.jpg this whole cutting dick off and still having all the same advantages thing is getting old. If he thinls him cutting hos dick off and fighting some girl is the same then he is saying he is one of the more weaker fighters out there right now.

L8er Phone Post 3.0

WAR Machine!

buckshot44 -

WAR Machine!

At his best. Phone Post

whoabro - There are a lot hot girls in north face and yoga pants at whole foods. Phone Post 3.0
Voted up. Phone Post 3.0

War Machine's girl, Bec Hyatt, won last night! Phone Post

May not agree with everything he has said and done but I have to respect him for speaking his mind and not hiding behind some social mask like other ppl in life.

SteveNovak - May not agree with everything he has said and done but I have to respect him for speaking his mind and not hiding behind some social mask like other ppl in life.

This Phone Post

At 7:42 of the audio interview, referring to Lloyd Irvin, War Machine says: "I hope somebody's grandpa goes and kills him or something.  I don't care.  I don't want him to go to jail.  I want somebody to kill him." 


Hammerfister - 

War Machine's girl, Bec Hyatt, won last night! Phone Post

He is a nice fella :)

Hammerfister - 

At 7:42 of the audio interview, referring to Lloyd Irvin, War Machine says: "I hope somebody's grandpa goes and kills him or something.  I don't care.  I don't want him to go to jail.  I want somebody to kill him." 

He's probably not the only one who feels that way, one rape attempt is enough for me feel the same but more jail for life not murder.

With three sisters and a wonderful mother I have absolutely zero tolerance for any and all sexual attacks.

Quite a shame everything has been buried here on the UG, was really disappointed with Kirik on that one.

SteveNovak -
Hammerfister - 

At 7:42 of the audio interview, referring to Lloyd Irvin, War Machine says: "I hope somebody's grandpa goes and kills him or something.  I don't care.  I don't want him to go to jail.  I want somebody to kill him." 

He's probably not the only one who feels that way, one rape attempt is enough for me feel the same but more jail for life not murder.

With three sisters and a wonderful mother I have absolutely zero tolerance for any and all sexual attacks.

Quite a shame everything has been buried here on the UG, was really disappointed with Kirik on that one.

I know some people feel that way regarding deleted threads etc., but this interview is up on the main page and wasn't censored. Phone Post

Another way to listen to the audio

Good thing he doesn't fight for the UFC or he'd be suspended for his Fallon Fox comments too. Phone Post