Warrior Wellness ?

Hi Scott and others...

Just picked up Warrior Wellness and have begun to do the beginner's tape...love the progression and the concepts.

I have been struggling with a chronically bad back (trigger points/pinched nerve that numbs out my fingers and shoots sharp pains in my elbows), but it has actually gotten a bit better recently and for the first time in years as I have been really concentrating on stretching and being careful while exercising.

Since starting Warrior Wellness last week I have had a bit of a relapse and the pain/pinched nerve is back. I am trying to be very careful and methodical in doing the exercises, but want to continue the program....When I am actually doing the routine I feel better, later in the day everything goes to hell.

My question is this...does this sound normal...should I just work through it? I understand it is hard to answer, but was just wondering if anyone else has had any similar experiences.

thanks for any insight-ryan


I want to walk with you through this in more detail, since giving you a general answer isn't possible. Repost this over at the CST Forum - www.circularstrengthmag.com/forum
