Was anybody actually better than Khabib?

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Fedor clearly the #1 HW of All Time

Ask your source you quote all the time in Tapology or even just type in Google , who is the best MMA HW and it will tell you lol

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He hasn’t passed Aldo yet imo

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Volk at 155 gets taken down, controlled and gassed by Khabib.

Khabib dont want fight because hes too heavy


He’s heavy because the GOAT eats whatever the fook he wants.

Including Hasbullahs chram probably


Jon Jones probably does eat what he wants now that he is at heavyweight.

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Pussy hole. Tony would have knocked him out


Tony would have made Khabib bleed.

Ferguson that beat up a Prime Dos Anjos for 5 Rounds in Mexico City at elevation beats the fuck out of Khabib.

That’s probably the greatest cardio performance in UFC history. Mexico City is at even higher elevation than Denver, IIRC.


lol you know you’re desperate when your one argument is Tony beating a guy Khabib beat even more dominantly.

No scrub who gets subbed by Bobby Green at any point in their career ever had anything for Khabib, rat :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Its crazy Cruz is GOAT at 135, yet spent most of his career injured. Umar gonna smash his way to 135 GOAT.

Lol khabib lost to old man Tibau fighter with one foot in retirement LOL
Try harder, you starting to sound like fragile faggot more and more


Khabib was the male Ronda Rousey. He was just smart enough to retire before getting exposed like Ronda.


Conor was the male version and got exposed harder.

I haven’t been a Conor fan for years but Conor actually had the balls to move up in weight while Khabib cherrypicked in 1 weight class and pulled out of as many UFC fights as he won


Conor looked like Tom Hanks from the movie Philadelphia when he cut to 135…that’s like saying Rumble Johnson had balls to move up to 185 from 170…

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Mexico City is 3000 feet higher

The fact that you ever were tells me everything I need to know :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Conor is a LW and nearly identical in size… just because he used copious amounts drugs and iv’s to diet down doesn’t change any of this…