Was wondering what happnd 2 all the McGregor noobs

They all seemed to disappear after Nate choked the mystique out of him. This place was almost tolerable for a minute.

Nothing like a little drama to get the girls all riled up again.... Phone Post 3.0

Like Freddy Kruger, the more you talk of them the more powerful they get.


Fuck, mods please delete this thread Phone Post 3.0

Hates all the Conor talk. Creates thread about him. Oh shit is this the third time his name has been spoken in this thread? Look out OP. Phone Post 3.0

RIGHONFIRE - Hates all the Conor talk. Creates thread about him. Oh shit is this the third time his name has been spoken in this thread? Look out OP. Phone Post 3.0



If I could photoshop......well you get the idea