WATCH: Karate referee KO's angry competitor with kick and stomp

The Cro Magnon era called

It wants its clip back


Ref needed his ass kicked. Being the guys teammate idk how you wouldn’t do something about that


Are you crazy??!!

Did you not watch that nerve thing he did?? That ref knows dim mak! Screw messing with him!

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Fight Insult GIF by FoilArmsandHog

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What kinda wonky ass rule set is that

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It looks like full contact points sparring. I think it would be fun.

He should have done it to the guy who threw the late punch.

Wow, that guy in black sure had that coming. Didn’t you see that one part?? Shoulda been 2 stomps

Looking back, I remember doing karate tournaments like this on schools with those hardwood or tile floors and foam dipped hand/foot gloves and I wonder why none of us ended up with brain damage.

The guy in the white guy threw a punch after a break was called and the other guy gets kicked in the face for retaliation?

Karate tournaments have always been corrupt and just plain stupid. Certain clubs are always given preferential treatment and anyone involved in judging is basically no better than a politician.

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Because nobody was allowed to actually make contact. I was disqualified for barely touching a guy with a punch to the face once. All he had to do was roll around on the ground for a gold medal.

The real injuries from this sport are your joints since your punching and kicking air with stupid techniques. My right hip got so bad from mawashi geri, I had to quit. Why they make you lift your foot and knee up to your waist, turn, then kick is beyond me. Once I found Muay Thai, I was home.

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Maha mawashi geri have their place, but not as a standard kick. You gotta set that shit up. Use it too much and it’s a very easy read.

Who was it besides Filho that used to use it well? Feitosa? My memory is shit.

Hehey! My memory isn’t as bad as I thought. Glaube Feitosa.

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I watched the whole clip and I thought for sure the guy in blue was getting knocked out. He wasn’t using karate. The right guy got ko’d imo.

hahaha same here.

no punches to the face like on this video but punching people on the throat was totally Ok and caused some brawls.

The good old days lol :slight_smile:

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what a cocksucker! fuck that guy!

You guys sound pretty sheltered.

Stuff like this used to happen at the All Valley Karate Championships, every year.